Dr John Robson presented at The Scottish Deep End Project: The Exceptional Potential of General Practice.
The Deep End Project was started in Glasgow by Professor Graham Watt. He got the 100 most deprived GP practices in Scotland to regular meetings to address the particular needs of their disadvantaged patients.
‘GPs at the Deep End’ has since been highly successful in advocating for patients and campaigning for services and resources to meet the increased needs of populations in areas of deprivation. The model has spread throughout the world, with practices in areas of concentrated disadvantage grouping together to share ideas, get involved in education and training and expand the field of research into primary care's role in addressing the causes and consequences of health inequalities.
The recent conference, held at the University of Glasgow in February 2019, was inspirational for those that attended – you can view the presentations on YouTube and download the presenters’ slides via the University of Glasgow website. The presentation by Austin O’ Carroll was particularly memorable and highly recommended. There is also a book titled The Exceptional Potential of General Practice edited by Professor Watt and including contributions by a number of the speakers – again, highly recommended reading.