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QM Centre for Creative Collaboration

Legal Advice

Postgraduate law students from Queen Mary University, under supervision of qualified lawyers as part of qLegal , have produced tool kits relevant to workers in the arts and culture sectors.

Under the directorship of Karen Watton, qLegal aims to inspire and develop a new generation of lawyers capable of representing tech start-ups and entrepreneurs, and are also able to provide free legal advice, workshops and resources on a range of complex legal issues. Please visit the qLegal webpage for more information.

qLegal - Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights [PDF 788KB]

• qLegal - Protect your Invention! Patents and Trade Secrets Explained [PDF 585KB]

• qLegal - Confidentiality Agreements [PDF 885KB]

• qLegal - Understanding Funding Structures for Start-Ups [PDF 968KB]

• qLegal - Doing Social Good and Choosing Your Charity Structure [PDF 274KB]

• qLegal- Protect Your Brand! Trade Marks Explained Part 1 Introducing Trade Marks [PDF 842KB]

• qLegal - Protect Your Brand! Trade Marks Explained Part 2 Registered Trade Marks [PDF 930KB]

• qLegal - Protect Your Brand! Trade Marks Explained Part 3 Unregistered Trade Marks and Passing Off [PDF 800KB]

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