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QM Centre for Creative Collaboration

Working with Young People

The Verbatim Formula is a participatory applied arts research project based at Queen Mary University of London whose verbatim theatre and other creative methodologies centre young people’s voices, develop their sense of confidence and security, and work with them as creative evaluators of the services that are responsible for their education, care and wellbeing. The initiative is a cross-sectoral project that works creatively with young people as co-researchers, and has worked with multiple partners from the public and third sector.
Since its inception in 2015, as a collaboration with People’s Palace Projects, the project has been funded through QMUL Access funds, and has also received funding from commissions from Kensington and Chelsea and Wandsworth Local Authorities. In 2017 it gained a three-year grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council. TVF methodologies have become an effective tool for research and advocacy that enhance personal engagement amongst stakeholders and audiences and insert the voices of young people into services and policy-making forums. For more info visit:

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