Dr Claire CassidyProfessor of Education, School of Education, University of Strathclyde, United KingdomEmail: claire.cassidy@strath.ac.ukProfilePublicationsExpertiseProfileMy research interests coalesce around three distinct but often inter-related areas: practical philosophy with children and young people; children's human rights and human rights education; and concepts of child and childhood. I lead the Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy with Children where I train people to facilitate philosophical dialogue with children and adults; it's the only course of its kind in the UK. I lead the Philosophy with Children and Communities Network. I am on the editorial board for Childhood & Philosophy, Scottish Educational Review, and Journal of Philosophy in Schools. I host the biennial Contemporary Childhood Conference.ResearchPublications Cassidy, C., Wall, K. Robinson, C., Arnott, L., Beaton, M. and Hall, E. (2022). Bridging the theory and practice of eliciting the voices of young children: Findings from the Look Who’s Talking Project. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 30(1). Doi: 10.1080/1350293X.2022.2026431 Cassidy, C., Conrad, S-J. & Figueiroa-Rego, M.J. (2019). Research with children: A philosophical rights-based approach. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 43(1), 38-52. Cassidy, C. & Heron, G. (2018). Breaking into secure: Introducing philosophical discussions to young people in secure accommodation. Journal of Social Work 20(3), 287-306. DOI: 10.1177/1468017318815399 Cassidy, C., Conrad, S-J., Daniel, M-F., Garside, D., Kohan, W., Murris, K., Rego, M., Wu, X. and Zhelyazkova, T. (2017). Being children: children’s voices on childhood. International Journal of Children’s Rights 24(3-4), 698-715. Cassidy, C. (2017). Philosophy with Children: a rights-based approach to deliberative participation. International Journal of Children’s Rights 25(2), 320-334. DOI: 10.1163/15718182-02502003 Cassidy, C., Brunner, R. & Webster, E. (2014). Teaching human rights? ‘All hell will break loose!’ Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 9(1), 19-33. DOI: 10.1177/1746197913475768." ExpertisePhilosophy with/for Children; children's human rights and human rights education; philosophy of children and childhood; children's voice and participation; citizenship education.