Professor Peter Hopkins
Professor of Social Geography, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Peter Hopkins is Professor of Social Geography at Newcastle University. His research focuses upon the challenges and complexities of social inequalities and injustice and much of this work focuses on the experiences of children and young people from marginalised groups. He is author of Young People, Place and Identity (2010) and edited Children, Young People and Critical Geopolitics (2016) and serves on the editorial board of Children's Geographies.
Relevant Books
Benwell M and Hopkins P (2016) Children, young people and critical geopolitics. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Hopkins P (2010) Young people, place and identity. London: Routledge.
Relevant special issues edited
Hopkins P Hörschelmann K Benwell M and Studemeyer C (2019) Young people's everyday landscapes of security and insecurity. Social and Cultural Geography 20(4) 435-444.
O'Neill Gutierrez C and Hopkins P (2015) Introduction: young people, gender and intersectionality. Gender, Place and Culture 22(3) 383-389
Hopkins P and Alexander C (2010) Politics, mobility and nationhood: upscaling young people’s geographies. Area 42(2) 142-144.
Hopkins P and Bell N (2008) Editorial: interdisciplinary perspectives on ethical issues in child research. Children’s Geographies 6(1) 1-6.
Relevant refereed journal articles Botterill K Hopkins P Sanghera GS (2018) Young people’s everyday securities: pre-emptive and pro-active strategies towards ontological security in Scotland. Social and Cultural Geography 20(4) 465-484.
Hopkins P Botterill K and Sanghera G (2018) Towards inclusive geographies? Young people, religion, race and migration. Geography 103(2)89-95.
Hopkins P Botterill K Sanghera G Arshad R (2017) Encountering Misrecognition: Being Mistaken for Being Muslim. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107(4) 934-948.
Hopkins P Sinclair C Student Research Committee (2017) Research, relevance and respect: Co-creating a guide about involving young people in social research. Research for All 1(1) 121-127.
Botterill K Hopkins P Sanghera G Arshad R (2016) Securing disunion: young people’s nationalism, identities and (in)securities in the campaign for an independent Scotland. Political Geography 55 124-134.
Hopkins P (2015) Young people and the Scottish independence referendum. Political Geography 46 91-92.
Hopkins P Olson E Baillie-Smith M Laurie N (2015) Transitions to religious adulthood: relational geographies of youth, religion and volunteering. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40(3) 387-398
Hopkins P Todd L (2015) Creating an intentionally dialogic space: student activism and the Newcastle Occupation 2010. Political Geography 46 31-40.
Hopkins P (2014) Managing strangerhood: young Sikh men’s strategies. Environment and Planning A 46(7) 1572-1585
Olson E Hopkins P Pain R Vincett G (2013) Re-theorizing the postsecular present: embodiment, spatial transcendence, and challenges to authenticity amongst young Christians in Glasgow, Scotland. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103(6) 1421-1436.
Hopkins P Todd L Newcastle Occupation (2012) Occupying Newcastle University: student resistance to government spending cuts in England. The Geographical Journal 178(2) 104-109.
Hopkins P Olson E Pain R Vincett G (2011) Mapping intergenerationalities: the formation of youthful religiosities. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(2) 314-327.
Hopkins P Hill M (2010) The needs and strengths of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people in Scotland. Child and Family Social Work 15(4) 399-408
Hopkins P (2009) Responding to the 'crisis of masculinity': the perspectives of young Muslim men from Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland. Gender, Place and Culture 16(3) 299-312.
Hopkins P Hill M (2010) The needs and strengths of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people in Scotland. Child and Family Social Work 15(4) 399-408
Hopkins P (2009) Responding to the 'crisis of masculinity': the perspectives of young Muslim men from Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland. Gender, Place and Culture 16(3) 299-312.
Hopkins P Hill M (2008) Pre-flight departure circumstances and accounts of transnational migration: the experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people. Children’s Geographies 6(3) 257-268.
Hopkins P (2008) Ethical issues in research with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Children’s Geographies 6(1) 37-48.
Hopkins P (2007) Young people, masculinities, religion and race: new social geographies. Progress in Human Geography 31(2) 163-177.
Hopkins P (2007) Global events, national politics, local lives: Young Muslim men in Scotland. Environment and Planning A 38(3) 1119 – 1133.
Hopkins P (2007) ‘Blue squares’, ‘proper’ Muslims and transnational networks: narratives of national and religious identities amongst young Muslim men living in Scotland. Ethnicities 7(1) 61-81.
Hopkins P (2006) Youth transitions and going to university: the perceptions of students attending a geography summer school access programme. Area 38(3) 240-247.
Hopkins P (2006) Youthful Muslim masculinities: gender and generational relations. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 31(3) 337-352.
Hopkins P (2004) Young Muslim men in Scotland: Inclusions and Exclusions. Children's Geographies 2(2) 257-272.
Relevant book chapters
Botterill K Sanghera G Hopkins P (2017) Muslim youth in Scotland: Politics, identity and multicultural citizenship.
Hopkins P (ed) Scotland's Muslims. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 136-154.
Finlay R, Hopkins P, Sanghera G. (2017) Young Muslims’ political interests and political participations in Scotland. Hopkins P (ed) Scotland's Muslims. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 78-97.
Benwell M Hopkins P (2016) Conclusion. Benwell M Hopkins P (ed) Children, Young People and Critical Geopolitics. Farnham: Ashgate.
Benwell M Hopkins P (2016) Introduction: children, young people and critical geopolitics.
Benwell M Hopkins P (ed) Children, Young People and Critical Geopolitics. Abingdon, Oxon: Ashgate. 1-27.
Hopkins P (2015) Scales of young people’s lives. Wyn J and Cahill H (eds) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Springer 761-772.
Hopkins P (2010) Young people’s spaces. Foley P and Leverett S (eds) Children and Young People’s Spaces: developing practice. Basingstoke, Palgrave. 25-39.
Hopkins P and Hill M (2010) Contested bodies of asylum-seeking children. Horschelmann K and Colls R (eds) Contested bodies of childhood and youth. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, UK. 136-147.
Hopkins P Hill M (2009) Safeguarding children who are refugees or asylum seekers. Broadhurst K Grover C Jamieson J (eds) Critical perspectives on safeguarding children. Oxford: Blackwell. 229-246.
Hopkins P (2008) Young, male, Scottish and Muslim: a portrait of Kabir. Jeffrey C and Dyson J (eds) Telling young lives: portraits of global youth. Temple University Press: Philadelphia. 69-80.
Hopkins P (2007) Young Muslim men’s experiences of local landscapes after September 11 2001. Aitchison C Hopkins P and Kwan MP (eds) Geographies of Muslim Identities: representation of Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Aldershot: Ashgate. 189-200.
Selected policy and engagement reports
Finlay R Hopkins P Kirndörfer E Kox M Huizinga R De Backer M Benwell MC van Liempt I Hörschelmann K Felten P Bastian JM Bousetta H (2022) Refugee youth and public space. Newcastle University: Newcastle upon Tyne.
Finlay R Nayak A Benwell M Hopkins P Pande R and Richardson M (2020) Growing up in Sunderland: young people, politics and place. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University
Finlay R Hopkins P Sanghera G. (2017) Muslim Youth and Political Participation in Scotland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University.
Hopkins P Botterill K Sanghera G Arshad A (2015) Faith, ethnicity, place: young people’s everyday geopolitics in Scotland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University.
Tate S Hopkins P (2013) Re-thinking undergraduate students' transitions to, through and out of university: examples of good practice in GEES disciplines. York: Higher Education Academy.
Hopkins P Baillie-Smith M Laurie N Olson E (2010) Young Christians in Latin America. Newcastle University: Newcastle upon Tyne
Hopkins P Hill M (2006) “This is a good place to live and think about the future”: the needs and experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people in Scotland. Glasgow: Scottish Refugee Council.