Dr Neil HowardLecturer in International Development, University of Bath, United KingdomEmail: n.p.howard@bath.ac.ukProfilePublicationsExpertiseProfileMy research focusses on the governance of exploitative and so-called 'unfree' labour. I conduct ethnographic and participatory action research with people defined as victims of trafficking, slavery, child labour and forced labour, and political anthropological research on the institutions that seek to protect them. My research asks why ‘victims’ are so often excluded from the policy process and tries to make sense of the way that policy-making institutions think, work and navigate their political limitations. I frequently collaborate with the international child protection agency, Terre des Hommes, on participatory action research projects with child migrants, child workers, and street-connected children to develop ground-up responses to their circumstances. I also currently lead an ERC Starting Grant that aims to trial both action research and unconditional cash transfers as potential policy responses to indecent or exploitative work in Hyderabad, India. ResearchPublicationsHoward, N and Okyere, S (2022), International Child Protection: Towards Politics and Participation, Basignstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Howard, N. (2017), Child Trafficking, Youth Labour Mobility, and the Politics of Protection, Basignstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ExpertiseChild labour and migration, international child protection, forced labour, cash transfers, basic income