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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Ms Özlem Lakatos


Scientific Collaborator, Centre for Children's Rights Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland



Özlem Lakatos is a Scientific Collaborator at the Center for Children's Rights Studies of the University of Geneva. Since September 2017, she has been working alongside Professor Philip D. Jaffé, a Member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Her primary activities include research, teaching, supervising master’s students’ academic work, and coordinating an annual 4-week seminar on Child Abuse and Violence. She co-founded the association “30 Ans de Droits de l’Enfant” with Prof. Philip D. Jaffé and Dr. hc Jean Zermatten, a former Member of the UNCRC (2005-2013). The association was established to coordinate international celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 2019. She is pursuing a PhD in Social Sciences at the Institute of Gender Studies, University of Geneva, focusing on the international rights of girls, intersecting women’s and children’s rights. Using a gender and postcolonial approach, she studies the construction of the category “girl-s”, both historically and analytically. In the Autumn Semester 2024, she will be a Visiting Researcher Fellow at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, City University of New York.



  • Jaffé, Ph.D., Zermatten, J. & Lakatos, Ö (2023). Government, Policy and the Role of the State in Childhood (Switzerland). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Academic, London.
  • Lakatos, Ö., & Jaffé, Ph. D. (2021). Childrenʼs Rights and Womenʼs Rights: Convergence and Complementarity. Womenʹs Rights and Childrenʹs Rights : Towards an integrated approach in Development Cooperation, 12-26. Genève, Suisse :Enfants du Monde and University of Geneva.
  • Lakatos, Ö., & Jaffé, Ph. D. (2021). Les droits de l’enfant et les droits des femmes : convergence et complémentarité. Droits des femmes et droits des enfants : Vers une approche intégrée dans la coopération au développement, 12-26. Genève, Suisse :Enfants du Monde et Université de Genève.
  • Jaffé, Ph.D. et Lakatos, Ö. (2019). Children marching towards total participation.
  • Dans J. Zermatten et Ph.D. Jaffé (dir.), 30 ans de droits de l'enfant : un nouvel élan pour l'humanité ! (p. 114-123). Genève, Suisse : Association 30 ans de droits de l’enfant. Expertise : - Girls’ Rights, Children’s rights, Women’s Rights. - UN Human Rights System - Concepts of intersectionality & vulnerabilities  - Gender and postcolonial studies - Qualitative methods (archives, interviews, observations) 


Children's rights, women's and girls' rights, gender studies and human rights, post-colonial and decolonial studies, UN Human Rights System.
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