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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Dr Sevasti-Melissa Nolas (goes by Melissa)


Independent researcher, United Kingdom



Melissa Nolas is an independent researcher, and was previously Reader in Sociology and Co-Director of the Methods Lab at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research interests are in human agency and everyday life; childhood, youth and family lives; women’s health; social and economic change; civic and political practices across the life course; multimodal ethnography and creative research methods; archives and photography; publics creating methodologies.



Nolas, S-M. (2021) ‘Childhood publics in search of an audience: reflections on the children’s environmental movement’, Children’s Geographies. Online First.

Nolas, S-M. and Varvantakis, C. (2021) ‘This Parenting Lark’: Idiomatic Ways of Knowing and an Epistemology of Paying Adequate Attention’. In In Francisco Martinez, Martin Demant Frederiksen and Lili di Puppo (Eds) Peripheral Methodologies: Unlearning, Not-Knowing and Ethnographic Limits. London, Routledge.

Nolas, S-M., Aruldoss, V. and Varvantakis, C. (2019) ‘Learning to Listen: exploring the idioms of childhood’, Sociological Review Online, 24(3), pp. 394-413.

Nolas, S-M., Saunders-McDonagh, E. & Neville, L. (2018) ‘“Gimme Shelter”? Complicating responses to family violence’ in Rachel Rosen and Katherine Twamley (Eds) Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or Foe? London: UCL Press (Open Access).

Nolas, S-M., Varvantakis, C. and Aruldoss, V. (2017) ‘Talking politics in everyday family lives‘, Contemporary Social Science, 12(1-2), pp.68-83.

Nolas, S-M. (2015) ‘Children’s participation, childhood publics and social change: a review‘ Children & Society, Vol. 29(2), pp.157-167.

Nolas, S-M. (2011b) ‘Reflections on the enactment of children's participation rights through research: between relational and transactional spaces’, Children and Youth Services Review, 33(7), pp.1196-1202.


Children's everyday participations, childhood publics, publics creating methodologies
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