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The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)

Dr Turkan Firinci Orman

Turkan Firinci

Associate Professor of Sociology, Inter-university Council, Ankara, Turkey; independent researcher, Finland



I am an accomplished researcher and professional teacher with more than 10 years of experience working for the academy, international organizations, and governmental institutions. My research interests include but are not limited to childhood and youth studies, citizenship studies, participatory research methods and critical pedagogy. I have been developing, implementing, and managing international projects since the early 2000s. I also have extensive experience as a trainer and conducted several workshops based on new pedagogies and participatory methods. With my background in sociology, philosophy and education, I have significant experience in managing educational projects from ECE to higher education levels as well as projects about young people and political participation.



Fırıncı Orman, T. (2021). A society-centric approach to child rights governance in the EU context: how to strengthen the political presence and participation of children? Children’s Geographies. doi: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1949435 Fırıncı Orman, T. (2020). Adultization and Blurring the Boundaries of Childhood in Late Modern Era. Global Studies of Childhood. 10(2): 106-119. Fırıncı Orman, T. (2017). Bulgarian Playgrounds in Transition: Do Children’s and Parents’ Perceptions Differ?, Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 7(2): 71-94.


Children's geographies, child rights governance, youth's everyday environmental citizenship, environmental ethics and critical pedagogy.
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