Professor Ann PhoenixProfessor of Psychosocial Studies, University College London, United KingdomEmail: Phoenix is Professor of Psychosocial studies at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Social Research Institute, UCL Institute of Education. Her research focuses on the ways in which psychological experiences and social processes are linked and intersectional. It includes racialised and gendered identities, mixed-parentage, masculinities, consumption, motherhood, families, migration and transnational families. Her latest books include Environment in the Lives of Children and Families: Perspectives from India and the UK. Policy Press, 2017. (with Janet Boddy, Catherine Walker and Uma Vennan) and Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki boys’ intersectional relationships in new times (with Marja Peltola), Helsinki University Press, 2022. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5382-8918ResearchPublicationsPhoenix, A. and Husain, F. (2007). Parenting and ethnicity. York: JRF. [online]. Available: Phoenix, A., Boddy, J., Walker, C. and Vennam, U. (2017) Environment in the lives of children and families. Bristol: Policy Press Phoenix, A; Brannen, J. and Squire, C. (2020) Researching Family Narratives. London: Sage. Peltola, M. and Phoenix, A. (2022) Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki boys and intersectional relationships in new times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. Phoenix, A. (2022) Humanising racialisation: Social psychology in a time of unexpected transformational conjunctions. Invited landmark paper, British Journal of Social Psychology, 61, online open access.ExpertiseIntersectionality; Identities; Intergenerational; Narrative; Home; racialisation; gender; qualitative methodology; family practices; motherhood; language brokering