Ms Aurora Terjesdatter SørsveenPhD candidate, Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU, NorwayEmail: aurora.sorsveen@ntnu.noProfilePublicationsExpertiseProfileAurora Terjesdatter Sørsveen is a PhD candidate in sociology at the Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology, NTNU, in Norway. She has a bachelor's degree in sociology an an MPhil in childhood studies, both from NTNU. Currently she is conducting a PhD where she explores political, institutional and judicial arrangements connected to asylum-seeking children and youth in the Norwegian context.ResearchPublicationsSørsveen, Aurora; Ursin, Marit. (2020) Constructions of ‘the ageless’ asylum seekers: An analysis of how age is understood among professionals working within the norwegian immigration authorities. Children & society. vol. 35.ExpertiseChildren and migration; migration control; unaccompanied minor asylum seekers; asylum policy.