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Forum on Decentering the Human

AI Minds and Governance Frameworks

Organised jointly by Global Epistemologies and the Forum on Decentering the Human, in this talk Sandra Wachter (Oxford) and Jack Stilgoe (UCL), joined Mario Slugan (QMUL) and John Adenitire (QMUL) to discuss recent developments in AI cognition and to assess how these should influence legal and ethical approaches to AI. Moderated by Elke Schwarz (QMUL).

Professor Sandra WachterProfessor Sandra Wachter is Professor of Technology and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford where she researches the legal and ethical implications of AI, Big Data, and robotics as well as Internet and platform regulation. Her current research focuses on profiling, inferential analytics, explainable AI, algorithmic bias, diversity, and fairness, as well as governmental surveillance, predictive policing, human rights online, and health tech and medical law.

Professor Jack StilgoeJack Stilgoe is a professor in science and technology studies at UCL, where he researches the governance of emerging technologies. He is part of the UKRI Responsible AI leadership team ( He was principal investigator of the ESRC Driverless Futures project (2019-2022). Among other publications, he is the author of ‘Who’s Driving Innovation?’ (2020, Palgrave) and ‘Experiment Earth: Responsible innovation in geoengineering’ (2015, Routledge). He previously worked in science and technology policy at the Royal Society and the think tank Demos. He is a fellow of the Turing Institute and a trustee of the Royal Institution.

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