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Ernährungsrat für Köln und Umgebung e.V.

Find more information about the institution and the team involved with DEMETRA below.

About the institution

The Cologne Food Policy Council (Ernährungsrat Köln; link: is a non-profit organisation that campaigns for a change in nutrition in Cologne. In 2016 it was founded as the first food policy council in Germany.

We promote an active dialogue between politics, administration, producers, distributors and consumers in order to strengthen the structures of a regional food supply in the long term and sustainably. At the same time, we want to be an information and action platform for committed citizens who are in favour of a regional food system. We promote dialogue between stakeholders, volunteers and educational institutions.

The work is mainly carried out on a voluntary basis in four thematic committees. Five full-time employees currently make up the office and are involved in project work. An advisory board with members from administration, politics, business, science and civil society advises the board of the Food Council. In total, several hundred people from Cologne and the region are involved in the work of the Cologne Food Policy Council. The project work is financed by public foundations, state and federal ministries.

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