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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Simon Rawlinson, BSc(Hons), PhD

Professor in Dental Hard Tissue Biology

Telephone: +44 (0)207 882 7139
Room Number: Floor 1, Blizard Building


Research Technician: Bone Unit, The Royal Veterinary College 1986-2000, during this period the group was at the forefront of loadable bone organ culture model development and use. These had the advantage of maintaining the correct ratio of osteoblasts to osteocytes attached to their natural substrate in appropriate 3D orientation. 1999 PhD Veterinary Anatomy, 'Early loading-related responses of resident cells in mammalian bone organ explants'. In the mid-90s loadable cell culture models allowed for the study of cell monocultures to be investigated.  At this time I became interested in the apparent disparity of bone mass and mechanical usage of the skull and limb. Research Associate: Bone Unit, The Royal Veterinary College 2000-2003.

Research Associate: Queen Mary University of London, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Institute of Dentistry 2003-2009. In collaboration with staff at the IOD, investigating the mechanical responsiveness of the mandible and compared the gene profiles of the skull, limb and mandible. This has led us to consider the mechanism by which bone mass is normally maintained at status quo levels. Lecturer: Queen Mary University of London, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Institute of Dentistry 2009. Reader Dental Hard Tissue Biology 2021.  Lead of 1st Year BDS course (2013-2022) and subject convenor for Systems Physiology. Senior Tutor Admissions (Dentistry) 2013. Teach on MSc Oral Biology, MSc Experimental Oral Pathology courses.

 Centre: Oral Bioengineering


Lead Y1 BDS MSc Experimental Oral Pathology.



Research Interests:

Mechanically adaptive bone remodelling, tissue remodelling, positional identity, bioglass, implants, mechanobiology.


  1. Rawlinson, SCF; El-Haj, AJ; Minter, SL; Tavares, IA; Bennett, A; Lanyon, LE. Loading-related increases in prostaglandin production in cores of adult canine cancellous bone invitro - a role for prostacyclin in adaptive bone remodeling? JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH (1991) 6(12): 1345-1351.
  2. Pitsillides, AA; Rawlinson, SCF; Suswillo, RFL; Bourrin, S; Zaman, G; Lanyon, LE. Mechanical strain-induced NO production by bone cells: A possible role in adaptive bone (re)modeling? FASEB JOURNAL (1995) 9(15): 1614-1622.
  3. Rawlinson, SCF; Wheeler-Jones, CPD; Lanyon, LE. Arachidonic acid for loading induced prostacyclin and prostaglandin E-2 release from osteoblasts and osteocytes is derived from the activities of different forms of phospholipase A(2). BONE (2000) 27(2): 241-247.
  4. Huang, M; Hill, RG; Rawlinson, SCF. Strontium (Sr) elicits odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs): A therapeutic role for Sr in dentine repair? ACTA BIOMATERIALIA (2016) 38:201-211. 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.04.037. 
  5. Liu, J; Rawlinson, SCF; Hill, RG; Fortune, F. Strontium-substituted bioactive glasses in vitro osteogenic and antibacterial effects. DENTAL MATERIALS (2016) 32(3): 412-422. 10.1016/ 

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