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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor S K Sidhu, BDS, MSc, PhD, FICD, MFDSRCS, FADM, SFHEA

Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Clinical Dental Materials Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Barts Health NHS Trust

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7882 8617
Room Number: Office 11, Floor 4, Institute of Dentistry


Dr Sidhu obtained her degree in dentistry (BDS) from the National University of Singapore and subsequently did all her postgraduate training in the UK, including a clinical Master’s at the Eastman Dental Institute and a PhD at Guy’s Hospital, University of London. Her dental career began in hospital service and then private practice in Singapore, followed by a shift to an academic career. Her first academic position was at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore. This was followed by a stint as an Overseas Visiting Lecturer at Guy’s Hospital in London and then as a Clinical Lecturer at Newcastle University before moving to Queen Mary University of London. She also holds honorary positions at UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London as well as Hokkaido University in Japan.

Dr Sidhu has taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, while maintaining clinical commitments and service within an academic environment. She is on two clinical specialist lists in the UK (Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics), and is a member of the pan-London specialist training committee. In addition, she has educational qualifications and received accreditation as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK. Dr Sidhu has been appointed as external examiner at all levels (undergraduate, Diploma, Master’s, MPhil, and PhD levels). She has also numerous roles of an advisory and mentoring nature.

Centre: Oral Bioengineering


Prof.  Sidhu is involved in undergraduate clinical teaching primarily in Restorative Dentistry. In addition, she contributes to postgraduate clinical and didactic teaching. She is responsible for the Adhesive Module in the Prosthodontics postgraduate programme and previously developed the postgraduate course in Endodontics.


Research Interests:

Dr Sidhu has developed a research profile focussing on dental materials, particularly in adhesive materials, and interfaces. In addition, she has developed her expertise in glass-ionomer materials for which she is well-known. In 2001, Dr Sidhu was awarded the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Toshio Nakao Fellowship in dental materials science. She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, served on journal editorial boards and has edited a book titled “Glass-ionomers in dentistry” published by Springer Science. Dr Sidhu has been on funded research sabbaticals to the research centres/laboratories of some of the most highly-regarded researchers in dental materials at universities in the US, Japan and Australia. She has also been appointed as a member of international grant funding and awards committees.

Dr Sidhu has supervised numerous postgraduate research projects at Master’s level as well as PhD research students. She has also examined research theses externally and overseas.


All QM publications

1) C R Sánchez-Bretaño, L Zou, S K Sidhu, B S Chong Surface damage of engine-driven NiTi endodontic files assessed using 3D coordinate metrology ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today, 2016; 10 (4): 195-201

2) S K Sidhu, J W Nicholson A review of glass-ionomer cements for clinical dentistry Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2016, 7 (3): 16

3) S Kakuda, S K Sidhu, H Sano Buffering or non-buffering: an action of pit-and-fissure sealants Journal of Dentistry, 2015, 43 (10): 1285-1289

4) G Di Filippo, S K Sidhu, B S Chong Der Biofilm und der endodontische Misserfolg -Teil 2 Endodontie, 2015, 24 (2): 129-141

5) A Mohammed, S K Sidhu, B S Chong Root canal working length determination and apical limit of root canal instrumentation and obturation ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today, 2015, 9 (3): 161-168

6) B S Chong, J E Miller, S Sidhu The quality of radiographs accompanying endodontic referrals to a Health Authority Clinic
British Dental Journal, 2015, 219 (2): 69-72

7) B S Chong, A Quinn, R R Pawar, J Makdissi, S K Sidhu The anatomical relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve International Endodontic Journal, 2014, Sept 12 [Epub] International Endodontic Journal, 2015, 48 (6): 549-555

8) S Hoshika, J D Munck, H Sano, S K Sidhu, Van Meerbeek B Effect of conditioning and aging on the bond strength and interfacial morphology of glass-ionomer cement bonded to dentin. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, 2015, 17 (2): 141-146

9) R Al Bukhary, R Wassell, S Sidhu, O Al Naimi, J Meechan The Local Anaesthetic Effect of a Dental Laser Prior to Cavity Preparation: A Pilot Volunteer Study Operative Dentistry, 2015, 40 (2): 129-133

10) G Billis, R R Pawar, J Makdissi, S K Sidhu, B S Chong A cone beam computed tomography study on the incidence and configuration of the second mesiobuccal canal in maxillary first and second molars in an adult sub-population in London ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today, 2014, 8 (3): 179-186

11) G Di Filippo, S K Sidhu, B S Chong Apical periodontitis and the technical quality of root canal treatment in an adult sub-population in London British Dental Journal, 2014, 216 (10): E22 (online paper)

12) B S Chong, J E Miller, S K Sidhu Alternative local anaesthetic delivery systems, devices and aids designed to minimise painful injections - a review ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today, 2014, 8 (1): 7-22

13) G Di Filippo, S K Sidhu, B S Chong The role of biofilms in endodontic treatment failure ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today, 2014, 8 (2): 87-103

14) J Fu, S Kakuda, F Pan, S Hoshika, S Ting, A Fukuoka, Y Bao, T Ikeda, Y Nakaoki, D Selimovic, H Sano and S K Sidhu Bonding performance of a newly developed step-less all-in-one system on dentin. Dental Materials Journal, 2013, 32(2): 203–211

15) J Fu, F Pan, S Kakuda, S K Sidhu, T Ikeda, Y Nakaoki, D Selimovic and H Sano The effect of air-blowing duration on all-in-one systems Dental Materials Journal, 2012, 31(6): 1075-1081

16) S K Sidhu Glass-ionomer cement restorative materials: a sticky subject?  Australian Dental Journal, 2011, 56: (1 Suppl): 23-30

17) Hoshika S, Nagano F, Tanaka T, Wada T, Asakura K, Koshiro K, Selimovic D, Miyamoto Y, Sidhu S K and Sano H Expansion of Nanotechnology for Dentistry: Effect of Colloidal Platinum Nanoparticles on Dentin Adhesion Mediated by 4-META/MMA-TBB.
Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, 2010, Nov 8 [Epub] Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, 2011, 13 (5): 411-416

18) S Hoshika, F Nagano, T Tanaka, T Ikeda, T Wada, K Asakura, K Koshiro, D Selimovic, Y Miyamoto, S K Sidhu and H Sano
Effect of application time of colloidal platinum nanoparticles on the microtensile bond strength to dentin.  Dental Materials Journal, 2010, 29 (6): 682-689

19) Adu-Arko AY, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF and Pashley DH Effect of an Er,Cr:YSGG laser on water perfusion in human dentine
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 2010, 118 (5): 483-488

20) S K Sidhu Clinical evaluations of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations Dental Materials (published online: 3 Oct 2009), 2010, 26 (1): 7-12

21) Z Yan, S K Sidhu and J F McCabe The influence of microstructure on thermal response of glass ionomers Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2007, 18 (6): 1163-1166

22) P Ekworapoj, S K Sidhu and J F McCabe Effect of surface conditioning on adhesion of glass ionomer cement to Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiated human dentin. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2007, 25 (2): 118-123

23) P Ekworapoj, S K Sidhu and J F McCabe Effect of different power parameters of Er,Cr:YSGG laser on human dentine. Lasers in Medical Science (published online 23 January 2007), 2007, 22 (3): 175-182

24) Z Yan, S K Sidhu, T E Carrick and J F McCabe Response to Thermal Stimuli of Glass Ionomer Cements Dental Materials (published online: 5 July 2006), 2007, 23 (5): 597-600

25) I Jamous, S K Sidhu and A W G Walls An evaluation of the performance of cast gold bonded restorations in clinical practice, a retrospective study Journal of Dentistry, 2007, 35 (2): 130-136

26) S K Sidhu, Y Omata, T Tanaka, K Koshiro, D Spreafico, S Semeraro, D Mezzanzanica and H Sano Bonding characteristics of newly developed all-in-one adhesives Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2007, 80B (2): 297-303

27) Z Yan, S K Sidhu, G A Mahmoud, T E Carrick and J F McCabe Effects of temperature on the fluoride release and recharging ability of glass ionomers Operative Dentistry, 2007, 32 (2): 138-143

28) S Tanaka, T Sugaya, M Kawanami, Y Nodasaka, T Yamamoto, H Noguchi, Y Tanaka, T Ikeda, H Sano and S K Sidhu Hybrid Layer Seals the Cementum / 4-META/MMA-TBB Resin Interface Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2007, 80 (1): 140-145

29) Y Omata, S Uno, Y Nakaoki, T Tanaka, H Sano, S Yoshida and S K Sidhu Staining of hybrid composites with coffee, oolong tea, or red wine Dental Materials Journal, 2006, 25 (1): 125-131

30) K Koshiro, S K Sidhu, S Inoue, T Ikeda and H Sano New concept of resin-dentin interfacial adhesion: the nano interaction zone
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2006, 77B (2): 401-408

31) S K Sidhu, T Ikeda, Y Omata, M Fujita and H Sano Change of color and translucency by light curing in resin composites Operative Dentistry, 2006, 31(5): 598-603

32) S Semeraro, D Mezzanzanica, D Spreafico, M Gagliani, D Re, T Tanaka, S K Sidhu and H Sano Effect of different bur grinding on the bond strength of self-etching adhesives Operative Dentistry, 2006, 31 (3): 317-323

33) D Spreafico, S Semeraro, D Mezzanzanica, D Re, M Gagliani, T Tanaka, H Sano and S K Sidhu The effect of the air-blowing step on the technique sensitivity of four different adhesive systems Journal of Dentistry, 2006, 34 (3): 237-244

34) W Sasakawa, Y Nakaoki, F Nagano, S Horiuchi, T Ikeda, T Tanaka, M Noda, S Inoue,  H Sano and S K Sidhu Micro-shear bond strength of five single-step adhesives to dentin.  Dental Materials Journal, 2005, 24 (4): 617-627

35) K E Kulczyk, S K Sidhu and J F McCabe Salivary contamination and shear bond strength of glass-ionomers to dentin. Operative Dentistry, 2005, 30 (6): 676-683

36) Y Nakaoki, W Sasakawa, S Horiuchi, F Nagano, T Ikeda, T Tanaka, S Inoue, S Uno, H Sano and S K Sidhu Effect of double-application of all-in-one adhesives on dentin bonding Journal of Dentistry, 2005, 33 (9): 765-772

37) T Ikeda, S K Sidhu, Y Omata, M Fujita and H Sano Colour and translucency of opaque-shades and body-shades of resin composites
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 2005, 113(2): 170-173

38) S K Sidhu, P Pilecki, M Sherriff and T F Watson Crack closure on rehydration of glass-ionomer materials European Journal of Oral Sciences, 2004, 112 (5): 465-469

39) S K Sidhu and JF McCabe The adaptation and cavity sealing ability of compomer restorative materials American Journal of Dentistry, 2004, 17 (5): 327-330

40) S K Sidhu, K A Agee, J L Waller and D H Pashley In vitro evaporative vs. convective water flux across human dentin before and after conditioning and placement of glass-ionomer cements American Journal of Dentistry, 2004, 17 (3): 211-215

41) F R Tay, S K Sidhu, T F Watson and D H Pashley Water-dependent interfacial transition zone in resin-modified glass-ionomer cement/dentin interfaces Journal of Dental Research, 2004, 83 (8): 644-649

42) C K Y Yiu, F R Tay, N M King, D H Pashley, S K Sidhu, J C L Neo, M Toledano and S L Wong Interaction of glass-ionomer cements with moist dentin Journal of Dental Research, 2004, 83(4): 283-289

43) S K Sidhu, T E Carrick and J F McCabe Temperature mediated coefficient of dimensional change of dental tooth-colored restorative materials Dental Materials, 2004, 20 (5): 435-440

44) S K Sidhu Class 2 restorations in UK The Journal of Dental Engineering, 2004, 148: 19-22

45) McCabe JF, Carrick TE and Sidhu SK Determining low levels of fluoride released from resin based dental materials
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 2002, 110 (5): 380-384

46) S K Sidhu, P Pilecki, P C Cheng and T F Watson The morphology and stability of resin-modified glass-ionomer adhesive at the dentin/resin-based composite interface American Journal of Dentistry, 2002, 15 (2): 129-136

47) S K Sidhu and G Schmalz The biocompatibility of glass-ionomer cement materials: a status report American Journal of Dentistry, 2001, 14 (6): 387-396

48) T F Watson, A Azzopardi, M Etman, P C Cheng and S K Sidhu Confocal and multi-photon microscopy of dental hard tissues and biomaterials American Journal of Dentistry, 2000, 13 (Spec No): 19D-24D

49) S K Sidhu, M Sherriff and T F Watson Failure of resin-modified glass-ionomers on shear loading Journal of Dentistry, 1999, 27 (5): 373-381

50) S K Sidhu and T F Watson Interfacial characteristics of resin-modified glass-ionomer materials: a study on fluid permeability using confocal fluorescence microscopy Journal of Dental Research, 1998, 77 (9): 1749-1759

51) T F Watson, D Pagliari, S K Sidhu and M A Naasan Confocal microscopic observation of structural changes in glass-ionomer cements and tooth interfaces Biomaterials, 1998, 19 (6): 581-588

52) I C B Small, T F Watson, A V Chadwick and S K Sidhu Water sorption in resin-modified glass-ionomer cements: an in vitro comparison with other materials Biomaterials, 1998, 19 (6): 545-550

53) N Marouf and S K Sidhu A study on the radiopacity of different shades of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorative materials
Operative Dentistry, 1998, 23 (1): 10-14

54) S K Sidhu, M Sherriff and T F Watson In vivo changes in roughness of resin-modified glass ionomer materials Dental Materials, 1997, 13 (3): 208-213

55) S K Sidhu, M Sherriff and T F Watson The effects of maturity and dehydration shrinkage on resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations Journal of Dental Research, 1997, 76 (8): 1495-1501

56) P M M Shah, S K Sidhu, B S Chong and T R Pitt Ford Radiopacity of resin-modified glass-ionomer liners and bases
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1997, 77 (3): 239-242

57) S K Sidhu, P M M Shah, B S Chong and T R Pitt Ford Radiopacity of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorative materials
Quintessence International, 1996, 27 (9): 639-643

58) P M M Shah, B S Chong, S K Sidhu and T R Pitt Ford Radiopacity of potential root-end filling materials Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology, 1996, 81 (4): 476-479

59) J Neo, C L Chew, A Yap and S K Sidhu Clinical evaluation of tooth-colored materials in cervical lesions American Journal of Dentistry, 1996, 9 (1): 15-18

60) S K Sidhu and T F Watson Resin-modified glass-ionomer materials. Part 2: Clinical aspects Dental Update, 1996, 23 (1): 12-16

61) S K Sidhu and T F Watson Resin-modified glass-ionomer materials. Part 1: Properties Dental Update, 1995, 22 (10): 429-432

62) S K Sidhu, T F Watson, Anstice H M, Billington R W and Pearson G J Moisture susceptibility of resin-modified glass-ionomer materials Quintessence International, 1995, 26 (11): 753-754

63) H H Liu and S K Sidhu Cracked teeth - treatment rationale and case management: Case reports Quintessence International, 1995, 26 (7): 485-492

64) S K Sidhu and T F Watson Resin-modified glass-ionomer materials: A status report for the American Journal of Dentistry American Journal of Dentistry, 1995, 8 (1): 59-67

65) S K Sidhu and T F Watson The effect of dehydration on light-cured glass-ionomer restorations Singapore Dental Journal, 1994, 19 (Special Issue): 44-48

66) S K Sidhu The effect of acid-etched dentin on marginal seal Quintessence International, 1994, 25 (11): 797-800

67) S K Sidhu Marginal contraction gap formation of light-cured glass ionomers American Journal of Dentistry, 1994, 7 (2): 115-118

68) G Soh and S K Sidhu The effect of smear layer removal on marginal contraction gaps Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 1994, 21 (4): 411-417

69) T P C Sim and S K Sidhu The effect of dentinal conditioning on light-activated glass-ionomer cement Quintessence International, 1994, 25 (7): 505-508

70) S K Sidhu A comparative analysis of techniques of restoring cervical lesions Quintessence International, 1993, 24 (8): 553-559

71) S K Sidhu and L J Henderson The surface finish of light-cured composite resin materials Clinical Materials, 1993, 12(1): 11-15

72) S K Sidhu Sealing effectiveness of light-cured glass ionomer cement liners Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1992, 68(6): 891-894

73) S K Sidhu and L J Henderson Dentin adhesives and microleakage in cervical resin composites American Journal of Dentistry, 1992, 5 (5): 240-244

74) S K Sidhu and L J Henderson Enamel surface damage during the finishing and polishing of composite resin restorations Singapore Dental Journal, 1992, 17(1): 19-21

75) L J Henderson and S K Sidhu Microleakage of "sandwich technique" restorations lined with light-cured glass-ionomer
Singapore Dental Journal, 1992, 17(1): 7-12

76) S K Sidhu and L J Henderson In vitro marginal leakage of cervical composite restorations lined with a light-cured glass-ionomer
Operative Dentistry, 1992, 17 (1): 7-12

77) L J Henderson and S K Sidhu The cavity sealing ability of light-cured glass-ionomer liners Singapore Dental Journal, 1991, 16(2): 6-8

78) S K Sidhu, G Soh and L J Henderson Effect of dentin age on effectiveness of dentin bonding agents Operative Dentistry, 1991, 16(6): 218-222

79) Sidhu, S K and Capp, N J A comparative study of porcelain repair materials Clinical Materials, 1990, 5(1): 29-42

80) S K Sidhu Composite restorative materials: A review Singapore Dental Journal, 1987, 12(1): 43-50

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