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Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI)

Booking a Room & Requesting Access to Empire House

The DERI Basement has a selection of meeting rooms, each one has a screen with wifi access and HDMI connector.  Rooms 5,6 and 7 have their own standalone desktop connection.  The basement also has a large kitchen and sofa-breakout area.

Instructions on how to book a room in the basement are available below, and you can also check if a room is available at the time you need via the outlook calendar.

If you wish to book the whole basement for an event, please complete the booking request via this Microsoft Form.

 Bookings can only be for a four hour slot in the morning, or afternoon, or for the full day. We cannot book the entire space for shorter periods than this.  A full basement booking is defined as a booking of the presentation space, along with rooms PB5, PB6, PB7 and the use of the collaboration table. The basement kitchen will not be booked as part of this, and sound absorbing dividers will be used to partition the space. PB1, PB2, PB3 & PB4 will not be booked as part of a full basement booking, enabling them to be booked by DERI occupants for regular meetings.  The kitchen fridges can still be used to store catering for your event.

Bookings for the basement collaboration/presentation/space must be requested via the above webform to allow the DERI Operations Team to ensure these fire regulations are met. Bookings make directly for this space that are not confirmed in advance with the DERI Team via the webform may be cancelled or altered at late notice in the event that they breach fire regulations. From a Fire and Safety perspective the entire space can hold a maximum of either 45 people seated (distributed throughout all of  the meeting rooms) or 35 people in the central collaboration/kitchen/presentation area 

If booking the whole basement, we encourage you to review the pictures, or come and view the space in person to ensure it suits your needs. We do not have IT support on site and you are responsible for ensuring the IT provision is sufficient and that you are comfortable with using it. We also ask that the space is left tidy, and as you found it at the end of your booking, with any furniture that has been moved returned to its original location. QMUL Catering can be ordered to the space and will drop off/collect accordingly.

Access Requests
If you require swipe card access to Empire House for frequent room bookings, requests can be submitted via the following Access Request Microsoft Form and will be reviewed by the DERI Team. Note, swipe card access to Empire House is not typically allocated for a one-time room booking. 

If you need access to DERI for other purposes, please complete the form noted above, noting the reason access is required, and this will be reviewed by the DERI Team.

To Book a Basement Room
Rooms available to book in the basement floor of Empire House can be accessed through the outlook calendar, an invitation can be sent to the room to check availability, or you can use the calendar to see if the room is busy.  The rooms are listed as:   [Room] Wht-Empire-PB.1,2,3,4,5,6.7

Floor               Room no          Capacity             

Basement           PB 1                    2                                          

Basement           PB 2                    2                                         

Basement           PB 3                    2                                         

Basement           PB 4                    3                                         

Basement           PB 5                    7                                           

Basement           PB 6                    4                                         

Basement           PB 7                   10           

Booking rooms through outlook calendar:
When you create your diary invitation, click on

  • Invite Attendees – this will bring up the rooms tab next to the location line.
  • Click on the Rooms tab to access a list of rooms that are available throughout the university.
  • Scroll down the list and you will find the rooms at Empire House are labelled with the prefix  Wht-Empire-PB
  • Select the room you want – see capacity in the table above.
  • When you select the room, it will be put in to the attendee line.
  • Once your invitation has been sent, you will receive a  notification in your in-box confirming booking. If you receive notification that your booking has been declined, this means the room is booked and not available at the selected time/date.
  • *Rooms P1.2, P2.2, P3.2 are used by the core teams on each floor.
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