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Disability and Dyslexia Service

Will you tell my tutors that I’ve been to see you? If I am diagnosed with dyslexia or a mental health condition will you pass on that information?

All enquiries to the Disability and Dyslexia Service are treated in the strictest confidence and we will not pass on information unless you ask us to. That said, we often encourage students to disclose basic information to academic departments to ensure that you receive the best possible support. One example might be telling lecturers that you should be allowed to record lectures; another might be that you may need to miss classes on occasion as a result of a medical condition that necessitates hospital appointments.

Can you cure dyslexia?

Dyslexia isn’t a medical condition; rather, it is a description of someone with a different learning style. As such, you cannot ‘cure’ it, but you can develop strategies to ensure you work around any difficulties that it may present.

Will it say ‘dyslexic’ or ‘disabled’ on my degree certificate?


Do I have to complete a Examination Access Arrangements form every year?

No, not unless you interrupt your studies, change your course, or your requirements change.

Will I automatically get extensions on my coursework deadlines now that I’ve been to see you?

No. We can write to tutors to request extensions on occasion if there is a valid reason, (e.g. you have been in hospital), but these are not provided automatically and are at the discretion of the academic department. Using deadline extensions is a bit like being overdrawn at the bank – easy to fall behind and very difficult to catch up again!

Do I have to return equipment provided through the Disabled Students' Allowance?

No, it is yours to keep (unless you have been provided with loaned equipment in the final year of your course).

Is it a good idea to disclose my disability or specific learning difference on job application forms?

Many students ask us this question. Legally, employers cannot discriminate against disabled people and it is advisable to let employers know if you have a disability that may affect your performance at an interview; for example, if you are visually impaired they will need to send the directions for the interview electronically or in large print.

Keep in mind that a potential employer may be worried about how to support a member of staff with a disability, so they’ll be looking to you for advice. If you have an existing strategy which works – e.g. if you need to use specialist software to hear text read aloud, let them know. You are then providing them with a ready-made solution.

Completing a degree course with a disability will tell a future employer that you have worked hard and shown creativity and initiative by working around obstacles. As such, a good employer should view it as a positive attribute.

I have a disability, will I be allowed to stay on-campus for the duration of my studies?

Unfortunately, demand for campus accommodation surpasses availability at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). As such, students with a disability or medical condition cannot be guaranteed a room. However, each case will be comprehensively assessed and considered by Housing Services and the Disability and Dyslexia Service.

More information about the application process is available on our webpage entitled "Advice for Disabled Students Applying for Campus Accommodation".  If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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