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Doctoral College

Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry recruiting unscripted simulated patients

Do you know anyone seeking casual work? Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry are looking to add to the pool of unscripted simulated patients that we use for events such as OSCEs (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations) and clinical teaching. The OSCEs are designed for medical students to demonstrate to an examiner the correct way to perform a clinical examination on a simulated patient.


The event organisers require people (simulated patients) in the medical stations of the exam room for students carry out a supervised examination. The examination might be something like a knee, chest or an eye exam. Students will ask some basic questions and might point at or press parts of the body gently. You might also be asked to expose part of the body (arm, head/hair, lower leg, or chest - male only - if it is a chest exam). The modesty of the simulated patient will be respected at all times.

Before each event takes place, simulated patients will be informed of gender and clothing requirements to help you decide if you are eligible/suitable before you sign up. These events usually last a half day or a whole day. Pay is £13.06 per hour and events are usually based in the Robin Brook Centre at the St Bartholemews site (Robin Brook Centre, Queen Mary University of London, Barts Hospital, West Smithfield, London, EC1A 7BE).

It is vital that simulated patients are punctual as the events can not begin without the correct number of people present.

If you know of anyone interested in becoming an unscripted simulated patient please forward them this email. They must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must have a good grasp of the English language as they need to understand what the student is saying.
  • Must be healthy i.e. no pre-existing medical conditions. The importance of this is both from a safety point of view but also so that it does not skew the medical exam. If you are unsure if your medical condition precludes you, please contact me.
  • Cannot be a current undergraduate at Queen Mary University.
  • Must declare if you know students at the Medical School.

Application documents will need to be received by 5pm Thursday, 21st April 2022. For those that meet the recruitment criteria, Assessment Unit will need to verify your right to work documents in person at the Medical School in Whitechapel (Garrod building, Turner St, London E1 2AD). This will most likely happen sometime in week commencing 25th April 2022. Assessment Unit will confirm this nearer the time.

Please contact Hassan Noshib ( to receive the application documents



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