London Nineteenth-Century Seminar Series zoom social
Dear PGR students,
The Graduate Strand of the London Nineteenth-Century Seminar Series (LNCSS -GS) brings together budding researchers with an interest in all things Victorian. It provides opportunities for PGRs and ECRs to collaborate and present work, to network, and to develop research communities. We've held a range of virtual events over the past year, from PGR skills workshops, featuring established academics, to work-in-progress seminars, to writing labs and coffee socials.
Our forthcoming event is the 'Great Exhibition' social on Friday, 29th October 2021, on Zoom.
Join us with an 'exhibit' that represents your research or interests. All new and established 19th C. students are welcome.
Please sign up for the link at:
We hope to see you there!
Louise, Emily, and Hollie
The LNCSS-GS Committee
Follow us on Twitter: @LNCSSGS
Committee Members:
Louise Willis (Chair) (PhD King's College London)
Emily Gallagher (PhD Birkbeck, University of London)
Hollie Geary-Jones (PhD University of Chester)