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Doctoral College

Meet our Publicity Team

Meet the dedicated publicity team for the WISE@QMUL International Women’s Day 2021 Virtual Conference



Dr Carla Usai

Dr Carla Usai is a postdoctoral researcher at the Blizard Institute (Queen Mary University of London), where she studies the immune system of patients infected by the Hepatitis delta virus, and by SARS-CoV-2.
She joined the WISE@QMUL Committee in 2020, undertaking the role of Social Media Manager; she is currently the Publicity Chair in the organisation for the International Women’s Day 2021 conference, organizing the content for advertising the event through social media platforms.

“I have studied and worked in Italy, Spain, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, collecting experiences that I want to share with other students and scientists. I had an amazing woman scientist as a mentor during my PhD, and I have always been surrounded by female role models. As a member of WISE@QMUL, I would like to give visibility to women in STEMM and be a role model myself for girls of any age interested in pursuing a scientific career.”

Rosie Ross

Rosie Ross is a member of the publicity team for the WISE@QMUL International Women’s Day 2021 conference.She is currently working towards her PhD, researching mechanotransduction in normal and keloid dermal fibroblasts. From a young age, she has always had a passion for STEMM subjects, in particular human biology, which has led her to pursue a career in scientific research.

“Growing up, feminism has always been an interest of mine but I have become much more engaged throughout adulthood as I have become more aware of existing inequalities, for example the unequal representation of women in STEMM. I joined the WISE@QMUL committee to help organise this conference because I think it is very important to bring people together to discuss solutions and ideas on how to compact this unequal representation but also to hear from women who have successful careers in STEMM to inspire new generations of women in STEMM.”

Dr Debosree Pal

Dr Debosree Pal is a postdoctoral researcher at QMUL, trying to unravel the epigenetic mechanisms of rare neurodevelopmental disorders. In her free time, she likes to read, travel and participate in science outreach activities. She joined WISE@QMUL in September 2020, as a member of the evaluation and publicity committees towards organizing the WISE@QMUL International Women’s Day 2021 conference.

“As an advocate for equal opportunities and recognition for women in STEMM, I hope to contribute my bit towards discussing relevant matters and developing a support system for women in STEMM as well as inspiring young women to pursue careers in STEMM.”



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