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Doctoral College

Wellbeing Training for Researchers

Our range of workshops and resources to help you build emotional resilience, manage stress and look after your wellbeing


For doctoral students and postdocs (online or in-person events) 

In this session, you will analyse your approaches to change and how those approaches influence your experience of change. 

Layered difficulties deepen stress and can rob us of our sense of control. The ethos of this programme is to empower you to take small, practical actions to focus on the things you can control, whilst managing unhelpful responses to the things you cannot. 

In this workshop, we will learn about the effects of remote working on wellbeing and productivity and how to improve those

This practical workshop aims to promote positive wellbeing and teach strategies to help researchers develop ways to improve stress management. 

In this workshop, you will assess your responses to situations and people, focusing on a better balance and respect for your own needs, priorities and feelings, alongside those of others. The emphasis is on practical application, so you have the opportunity to experiment with different approaches.  

This practical workshop gives an introduction on embodiment and how to use body postures to approach common researcher’s problems. We will focus on ways to overcome procrastination, tap into your creativity to find better ways to network, explore imposter syndrome and practise body postures to overcome stage fright. 

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