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Doctoral College

New Supervisor PGR Training

The Doctoral College provides training for new and experienced PGR supervisors at Queen Mary. The below information details what training is available to those new to PGR supervision as well as faculty-specific refresher training for experience PGR supervisors. 

New PGR Supervisor Training

New Supervisor Training is for those who have never supervised a doctoral degree to completion.

New Supervisors Training is now completed through online delivery. Staff new to supervising have to be enrolled to the QMPlus section 'PhD Supervisor Training'.

Academic staff who require training for New PGR Supervisors should access the QMPlus area and self-enrol to the course. Once enrolled, staff can complete the training in self-study at their convenience. 

Staff are required to read and complete the items in Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 displayed on the QMPlus section 'PhD Supervisor Training'.

Staff are then required to complete and submit a copy of the New Supervisor Training Quiz - 80% is considered a pass mark. All completed quiz attempts will be logged. All results above the pass mark will then be logged as training completed and participants will be issued with a training certificate. This will be processed once a month.

The training will cover the following subjects:

  • PGR Student Careers, Training and Wellbeing
  • Introduction to Regulations
  • Common Problems and Sharing Good Practice

PGR Supervisor Update Training

Supervisor Update Training is for those who have previously completed New Supervisor Training as well as experienced supervisors who have supervised doctoral degrees to completion. Supervisor Update Training be completed every 2 years. 

Supervisor update training now takes places online: Academic staff who require training for Supervisor Update Training should access the QMPlus area and self-enrol to the course if not already enrolled. Once enrolled, staff can complete the training in self-study at their convenience. 

Staff are required to read and complete the items in Workshop 1 displayed on the QMPlus section 'Supervisor Update Training'.

The training will cover:

  • Regulations updates
  • Giving excellent feedback
  • The PhD cycle, including interruptions and extensions guidance

Staff are then required to complete the Supervisor Update Training Quiz - 80% is considered a pass mark.  All completed quiz attempts will be logged. All results above the pass mark will then be logged as training completed and participants will be issued with a training certificate. This will be processed once a month.

Staff are expected to complete only one of these training section at a time. It is not mandatory to complete both trainings. 

For any queries regarding any of these courses please contact us on 

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