Scholarship Exchange Webinar by Dr. Faith Nightingale, CREME - 22nd November 2023
Title: Developing professional skills in TNE undergraduate students
Abstract: Universities are focussed on graduate attributes and preparing students for employability, so developing professional skills in undergraduate students is key. TNE students need to be exposed to professional skills and practice and be offered the opportunity to develop these skills whilst studying their undergraduate degrees. By doing this they will be better prepared for the workplace and for further study. One way to develop students is by creating specialised courses for students to develop their professional skills. At Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU, Xi’an, undergraduate engineering students take three year-long modules designed to develop their professional engineering skills. This talk will discuss the pedagogy used in these classes, in addition to the topics discussed and the skills developed in the modules. The aim of this talk is to show the benefits of having specialised professional skills modules as well as leave listeners with practical activities for use in their classrooms.
Bio: Faith Nightingale is Director of Education at QMES and a Lecturer in Skills for Science and Engineering Transnational Education. In her role, she aims to enhance the students’ professional, academic and workplace skills for success in their future engineering careers. Faith is interested in skills development, interdisciplinary education and using technology in the classroom.