Dr Atm Alam

Email: a.alam@qmul.ac.uk
Room Number: Engineering, Eng 212
Website: https://atmalam.wordpress.com/
Cloud Computing (BUPT joint programme)
Cloud computing is to represent the future of modern computing. This module provides students adequate information on the basic topics of cloud computing, such as cloud infrastructure, service oriented architectures, data storage and protocols. This module also introduces current platforms, social networking and explores the managing and security issues. This module contains practical topics requiring students to understand how to develop applications on the cloud using the application programming interfaces(APIs).
Digital Circuit Design (BUPT joint programme)
Image and Video Processing (BUPT joint programme)
This course provides fundamental knowledge about well-established techniques for digital image and video processing. It covers mathematical models used to analyse still images, technology and standards for image and video compression and the basic methods used to design and develop a wide range of imaging solutions. Such solutions relate to the fields of machine vision, imaging graphics, pattern recognition, medical imaging, image and video coding. Digital image representation, Sampling, Quantization, Sub-sampling, Pixel interpolation. Histograms: definition, properties, colour histograms, thresholding, segmentation, equalization. Using Matlab for the coursework. Detailed content: Algebraic transformations, Edge detection, Interest points, JPEG, JPEG2000, JPEG vs. JPEG2000. 2D wavelet decomposition, Tier, Layer, Region of interest, Introduction to colour image processing, Motion pictures, Video coding standards, Predictive coding, H.261, MPEG-1/2/4/AVC/HEVC.