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Educational Scholarship Centre

Dr Luk Arnaut



Telephone: +44 20 7882 6125
Room Number: Engineering, Eng E106


Digital Signal Processing (Undergraduate)

This is a Level 6 module, which builds upon the signal processing theory introduced in ELE374, Signals and Systems Theory. The main part of the module covers the theory of digital signal processing techniques and digital filter design. The module concludes with an examination of some applications of digital signal processing.

Digital Systems Design (Undergraduate)

This module provides a basic understanding of the principles of large digital system design using the knowledge of combinational and sequential logic design gained in the prerequisite module ECS412U Digital Circuit Design and the understanding of microprocessor systems gained in the prerequisite module ECS502U Microprocessor Systems Design. The module also uses VHDL to program Xilinx Complex Programmable Logic Devices with associated design tools for the laboratory work.

Fundamentals of DSP (Postgraduate/Undergraduate)

Introduction: Why DSP, sampling, quantization, Signals, LTI systems, Z transforms and polynomials, DFT, FFT, Spectrum Analysis, FIR filters, IIR filters

Integrated Circuit Design (Postgraduate)

The course introduces CAD, design methodology, architectures, circuit and fabrication techniques for integrated circuits. The main emphasis is on CMOS design. Content covers: ICD Overview & IC Fabrication, MOS Transistor Principles and CMOS Gates. Device Performance and Yield. Programmable Architecture, Layout Languages & Design Rules. Hardware Description Languages, specifically VHDL - although prior VHDL knowledge is beneficial. The VHDL content covers: - Sequential / Combinational Logic - State Machines and Clocking - Simulation, Synthesis, Place & Route, Back Annotation The module also examines Testing mechanisms. Finally, some State-of-the-Art developments are introduced.

Integrated Circuit Design (Undergraduate)

The mdule covers: C FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY: Lithography, diffusion, vapour deposition, ion implantation. Design rules. Yield. CMOS processes. DESIGN METHODOLOGY: Gate array, standard cell and full custom design. The design/simulate/test cycle. Programmable Logic Devices. CMOS DESIGN: CMOS gates and logic interconnection and layout. CMOS design problems and solutions. OTHER IC TECNOLOGIES: BiCMOS, GaAs, SiGe. CAD TECHNIQUES: Layout languages and custom design software. Logic simulators and Circuit simulators. Hardware design and description languages. Verilog. VLSI ARCHITECTURES TESTING: Design for test. Concepts of testability. STATE OF THE ART IN IC DESIGN

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