Dr Mustafa Bozkurt

Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering
Email: m.bozkurt@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 20 7882 6455
Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 419A
Office Hours: Thursday 15:00-17:00
My research utilizes multi-objective optimization and machine learning techniques to solve Software Engineering problems such as automated testing, software design, requirements analysis and maintenance.
Database Systems (Undergraduate)
This module is an introduction to databases and their language systems in theory and practice. The main topics covered by the module are: the principles and components of database management systems; the main modelling techniques used in the construction of database systems; implementation of databases using an object-relational database management system; the main relational database language; Object-Oriented database systems; future trends, in particular information retrieval, data warehouses and data mining.There are two timetabled lectures a week, and one-hour tutorial per week (though not every week). There will be timetabled laboratory sessions (two hours a week) for approximately five weeks.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Postgraduate)
Basic concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming in general and the use of Java in particular. Issues in class and interface design (minimising class and member accessibility, immutability, composition versus inheritance, interfaces versus abstract classes, preventing subclassing, static versus nonstatic classes). The module will also examine a number of Design Patterns. Requirements for creating understandable, maintainable, and robust classes that can be easily reused by others in a team. Exceptions, type variables, iterators and other advanced aspects of the core Java language will be covered. Java's Collections Framework will be considered in detail as an example of a coherent set of Java classes designed to work together, and for its use of generic typing. There will also be some coverage of software engineering principles: analysis and specification of user requirements, object-oriented design, testing and debugging, refactoring.
Software Engineering (Undergraduate)
Software Engineering is concerned with applying engineering principles to the production of software. This module provides the management principles, theoretical foundations, tools, notation and background necessary to develop and test large-scale software systems. The practical part of the module consists of lab assignments in which students use a range of relevant tools (a Java programming IDE, unit testing tool, configuration management tool, UML design tool, and project planning tool). Aims To ensure students have the necessary understanding of the principles and tools needed to build and test large-scale software systems. In particular, it provides the necessary background for students to undertake a significant group project assignment in subsequent modules or employment.
Software Engineering Project (Undergraduate)
Students in pre-assigned groups of approximately six will be presented with a significant software problem to solve. To meet the problem requirements and build a satisfactory system within the time constraints the students will have to apply the principles learnt in the Software Engineering module and will have to work effectively as a team. Each team must choose a project manager and assign appropriate roles to each member.
Research Interests:
- Service Oriented Architecture and Web services
- Software testing
- Search-based software engineering
- Requirements Engineering
- Cloud computing and cloud services
- Visual Paradigm provides Queen Mary University of London with UML and BPMN tools under the Academic Partner Program.