Dr Xianhui Che

Lecturer in Multimedia
Email: x.che@qmul.ac.uk
Room Number: Engineering, Eng E206
Website: http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~cherry
Programme Director for Intelligent Science and Technology
Programme Director for Telecommunications (Multimedia)
Module Organiser for:
- EBU6305 - Interactive Media Design and Production [Showreel]
- EBU7405 - 3D Graphics Programming Tools [Showreel1] [Showreel2]
Research Interests:
- Education: technology-enhanced learning, pedagogy
- Digital Media: interaction design, mobile apps, games, animation
- Data Communication: IoT, network protocols, social sensing
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, Social Networks in China, Elsevier, ISBN 9780081019344. [Elsevier] [Amazon] [Waterstones]
- Xianhui Che, Control Protocol for Optical Packet Switched Local Area Network, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-59728-2, September 2014. [Amazon]
Book Chapter:
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, “Mobile Games in China: Development and Current Status”, Mobile Gaming in Asia, Springer, pp. 141-172, July 2016. [Springer]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, “An Assessment Framework for Creative Production in Computing and Engineering Disciplines”, Elsevier Journal of Computers and Education Open, September 2024. [Elsevier]
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, “Field Test of Multi-Hop Image Sensing Network Prototype in a City Scale”, Elsevier Journal of Digital Communications and Networks, Issue 2, 2018. [DOI] [Elsevier]
- Barry Ip, Xianhui Che, “A Primer Survey of Chinese Mobile Games”, vol.3, no. 1-2, pp. 17-37, Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2016. (Invited) [DOI] [Brill]
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, Ling Lin, “A Survey of Current YouTube Video Characteristics”, IEEE Journal in Multimedia, pp. 56-63, April-June issue, 2015. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, Ian Wells, et al., “TDMA Frame Design for a Prototype Underwater RF Communication Network”, Elsevier Journal on Ad Hoc Networks, May 2012. [DOI] [Elsevier]
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, “Packet-Level Traffic Analysis of Online Games from the Genre Characteristics Perspective”, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, pp. 240-252, January 2012. [DOI] [Elsevier]
- Xianhui Che, Ian Wells, et al., “Re-Evaluation of RF Electromagnetic Communication in Underwater Sensor Networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 143-151, December 2011. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, Dylan Lewis, “IPv6: Current Deployment and Migration Status”, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS), vol. 1, No. 2, June 2010. [Link]
- Xianhui Che, “Overview of Optical Local Access Networks Development and Design Challenges”, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 2, no. 1, April 2010. [Link]
- Xianhui Che, Lee Cobley, “VoIP Performance over Different Interior Gateway Protocols”, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 34-41, April 2009. [Link]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:
- Yasir Kankia, Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, Wei Ji, “Student Informed Technology Adoption in Higher Education of Developing Countries”, Accepted for IEEE Conference in Information Network and Computer Communications, Oct 2023. [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, Barry Ip, Kamil Bolka, “Collaborative Learning and Information Dissemination Based on Social and Mobile Computing”, Accepted for IEEE Conference in Information Network and Computer Communications, Oct 2023. [IEEE]
- Yasir Kankia, Xianhui Che, Wei Ji, Barry Ip, “Analysis of External Influence on Implementing Innovative Technologies in Higher-Education Institutions of Developing Countries”, 11th European Conference on Education (ECE2023), London, UK, Apr 2023.
- Yasir Kankia, Xianhui Che, Wei Ji, Barry Ip, "Comprehensive Technology Readiness Adoption Model: A Combined Approach to Assessing Cloud Technology in Higher Education in Nigeria", 22nd International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), Nov 2022. [IEEE]
- Mariana Liley, Andrew Pyper, Xianhui Che, Wei Ji, Nash Gani, "A Learner-Centred Approach for Evaluating Software Tools", Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL 2020. [Link]
- Omesh Fernando, Hannan Xiao, Xianhui Che, “Evaluation of Underlying Switching Mechanism for Future Networks with P4 and SDN”, 15th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. 18 Aug 2019, Springer. [DOI] [Springer]
- Zhuge Yan, Xianhui Che, “Remote Image Sensing Platform Based on Arduino'”, Proceedings of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, Colchester, UK, September 2014, IEEE. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Mabrouka Abuhmida, Ian Wells, Xianhui Che, “A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network Protocols Enabling High Mobility with a Focus on Swarm Intelligence”, Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Technologies & Applications, Wrexham, UK, September 2011.
- Xianhui Che, Ian Wells, “A Selective-Abstraction Modeling Approach for Simplifying Computer Network Studies”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications, Russia, October 2009. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Ian Wells, Adam Davies, Xianhui Che, Paul Kear, Gordon Dickers, Xiaochun Gong, Mark Rhodes, “Node Pattern Simulation of an Undersea Sensor Network using RF Electromagnetic Communications”, IEEE Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications, Russia, October 2009. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Richard Macarthy, Xianhui Che, “IPv4 to IPv6 Deployment, Transition Mechanisms and Issues”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet Technologies & Applications (ITA09), UK, September 2009.
- Xianhui Che, Ian Wells, et al., “A Static Multi-Hop Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Using RF Electromagnetic Communications”, Proceedings of the IEEE ICDCS Workshop, Canada, June 2009. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, Ian Wells, et al., “Failure Tolerance Analysis of a Small Scale Underwater Sensor Network with RF Electromagnetic Communications”, Proceedings of the 3nd IEEE International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2009), Athens, Greece, June 2009. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “Switched Optical Star-Topology Network with Edge Electronic Buffering and Centralized Control”, Proceedings of IEEE CHINACOM, Hangzhou, China, August 2008. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Hamed Haddadi, Raul Landa, Andrew Moore, Saleem Bhatti, Miguel Rio, Xianhui Che, “Revisiting the Issues On Netflow Sample and Export Performance”, Proceedings of IEEE CHINACOM, China, August 2008. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “Impact of RTS/CTS Handshake on the Optical Packet Switched Local Area Network Performance”, Proceedings of International Conference on Late Advances in Networks (ICLAN 2006), Paris, France, December 2006.
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “Congestion Control Over Multiple Time Scales for Optical Packet Switched Network”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NET 2006), UK, September 2006.
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “Buffer-Optimized Traffic Smoothing for Optical Packet Switching Access Network”, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2006), Nottingham, UK, June 2006. [DOI] [IEEE]
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “Media Access Control for Optical Local Area Networks”, Proceedings of IEE International Conference on Access Technologies, Cambridge, June 2006. [DOI] [IET]
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “Analysis of the Scalability of a Collision-Free Optical Packet Switched LAN”, Proceedings of London Communications Symposium, pp. 33-36, London, UK, September 2005.
- Xianhui Che, David K. Hunter, Ian D. Henning, “A MAC Protocol for a Switched Optical LAN”, Proceedings of PREP,Lancaster, UK, March 2005.