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Educational Scholarship Centre

Dr Ling Ma, PhD, SFHEA


Reader in Software Engineering

Telephone: +44 20 7882 7343
Room Number: Engineering, Eng E307
Office Hours: Wednesday 13:00-15:00


Dr Ling Ma is a Reader in Software Engineering at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at the Queen Mary University of London. She also teaches on the Joint Programme between Queen Mary and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

She is the Director of QMUL-BUPT Joint Teaching and Learning Centre (JTLC), Programme Director of e-Commerce Engineering with Law and Subject Examination Board (SEB) chair of Queen Mary School Hainan (QMSH).

She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), actively involved in the HEA fellowship mentoring and reviewing at Queen Mary. She is a member of the ACM and IET.

She received the QMUL Education Excellence Award in 2019, and led the JTLC team to win the QMUL Education Excellence Award in 2024.

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