Dr Eranjan Udayanga Padumadasa

Email: e.u.padumadasa@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 20 7882 6282
Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 302
Website: http://www.busman.qmul.ac.uk/staff/phd/114424.html
Office Hours: Wednesday 12:00-02:00
End-Point Assessment (Undergraduate)
The end-point assessment (EPA) gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate that they have attained the skills, knowledge and behaviours set out on the standard. There are two parts to the end-point assessment: (a) A Project Report (a written account of a set of practical tasks undertaken within a work based project context), which the independent assessor assesses and grades. (b) A Professional Discussion (a structured discussion with the independent assessor allowing the apprentice to respond to questions using a portfolio), which the independent assessor assesses and grades. The assessment methods are designed to assess the full set of knowledge, skills and behaviours as specified in the standard. Annex A shows which knowledge, skill or behaviour outcome is being assessed by which assessment method. A failure to pass either one of the methods means that the apprentice has failed overall and neither the apprenticeship nor the master¿s degree will be awarded. This is just until the failed assessment has been passed.
Graphical User Interfaces (Work based)
This module is only open to degree apprentices in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. It covers the following topics: cognitive psychology principles relevant to the design of GUIs; building GUIs using Java, and use of basic vision and audio libraries for input/ output; framework of GUI design guidelines to inform and evaluate GUI design; techniques for analysing artefacts and situations to inform the design of suitable GUIs; iterative design processes; evaluation techniques with users, heuristics and models; interaction beyond the visual modality.
Project (Work based)
This module is only open to degree apprentices in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Students will identify a significant hardware /software problem to solve from their workplace context, in conjunction with their project supervisor and their employer. To meet the problem requirements and design and implement a satisfactory solution within the time constraints, the students will have to apply the principles learnt in their previous taught modules.
Software Development and Quality (Undergraduate)
The module will cover the entire software development lifecycle from design through to deployment and maintenance, with an emphasis on quality, industry standards, and professional issues. Topics will include: software in business; software development processes and technologies; modelling, architecture and design; configuration, change, versioning and release management; implementation deployment and maintenance; legacy architectures, technologies and systems; software quality, standards and processes; project management, resourcing and control; project risk management; software documentation.
Software Development and Quality (Work based)
This module is only open to degree apprentices in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. The module will cover the entire software development lifecycle from design through to deployment and maintenance, with an emphasis on quality, industry standards, and professional issues. Topics will include: software in business; software development processes and technologies; modelling, architecture and design; configuration, change, versioning and release management; implementation deployment and maintenance; legacy architectures, technologies and systems; software quality, standards and processes; project management, resourcing and control; project risk management; software documentation.
Software Engineering Project (Work based)
This module is only open to degree apprentices in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Students will identify a significant software problem to solve from their workplace context, in conjunction with the module lecturer and their employer. To meet the problem requirements and build a satisfactory system within the time constraints, the students will have to apply the principles learnt in ECS505W Software Engineering.