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Educational Scholarship Centre

Dr Yan (Cindy) Sun, BS MSc PhD

Yan (Cindy)

Lecturer in Telecommunications

Telephone: +44 20 7882 8791
Room Number: Engineering, Eng 206


Ad Hoc Networks (BUPT joint programme)

Wireless Network, Mobile Ad Hoc Network Application, TCP and MANET TCP (TCP-F, TCP-Bus), Internet Protocol (RIP, OSPF), MANET Routing (DSDV, ABR, AODV), Wireless Broadband Access, IP Addressing, Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) Multicast Routing (ODMRP, LBM, ABAM)

Telecommunications Systems (BUPT joint programme)

This module is only available to students taking programmes H6N2 and H6NF in Beijing. The module provides a broad coverage of the principles of modern telecommunications systems including underlying theoretical concepts of information theory, queuing theory and coding as well as basic knowledge of source coding of different types of information, transmission systems including equalisation, and wireless networks.

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