Dr Laurissa Tokarchuk, BA BSc(Hons) PhD

Senior Lecturer
Email: laurissa.tokarchuk@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 20 7882 8027
Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 412
Website: http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~laurissa
Office Hours: Monday 16:30-18:00, Wednesday 15:00-16:00
Dr Tokarchuk is a member of the Game AI and Cognitive Science research groups, as well as the Centre for Intelligent Sensing (CIS). She researches mobile and location-based gaming, data-driven methods for human-computer interaction design, mobile sensing, social computing, social sensing, recommendation and game AI.
Creating Interactive Objects (Undergraduate)
Interactive objects are physical devices controlled by microcontrollers using simple sensors and actuators. The module provides students with skills, knowledge, and experience of designing and prototyping interactive physical objects using contemporary microcontrollers. The module covers basic electronics, control circuits, sensors (analogue and digital), output (analogue and digital), microcontrollers, simple networking, and microcontroller programming using the popular Arduino open-source platform. It additionally touches on topics of interaction design and evaluation to provide a framework in which students can prototype and understand interactive objects.
Digital Media and Social Networks (Undergraduate)
Introduction to Online Social Networks (OSN) Characteristics of OSNs Basic Graph Theory Small World Phenomenon Information propagation on OSNs Influence and Content Recommendation Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Privacy and ethics
Research Impact and Engagement (Postgraduate)
This module equips IGGI PhD students with the knowledge and skills required to understand how they can responsibly generate economic, social and cultural impact from their research. An intensive part 1 introduces students to a range of topics in the context of interaction between academic research and the games industry: user engagement, communication skills, responsible innovation, and inclusive and ethical research. In part 2, students are then mentored (possibly remotely) by industry and academic experts to design and develop a more substantial piece over several weeks -- a game, interactive experience, short film or similar -- that communicates their research to wider audiences.
Withington O, Cook M, Tokarchuk L (2024). On the Evaluation of Procedural Level Generation Systems.
Berns S, Volz V, Tokarchuk L et al. (2024). Not All the Same: Understanding and Informing Similarity Estimation in Tile-Based Video Games.
Ballou N, Sewall CJR, Ratcliffe J et al. . Registered report evidence suggests no relationship between objectively tracked video game playtime and well-being over 3 months..
DOI: 10.1037/tmb0000124
Ballou N, Sewall CJR, Ratcliffe J et al. . Supplemental Material for Registered report evidence suggests no relationship between objectively tracked video game playtime and well-being over 3 months..
Withington O, Tokarchuk L (2023). The Right Variety: Improving Expressive Range Analysis with Metric Selection Methods. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games
Tokarchuk L, Ratcliffe J, Hoover M et al. (2023). Editorial: Remote XR user studies.
Tokarchuk L, Ratcliffe J, Hoover M et al. (2023). Editorial: Remote XR user studies..
Hervé JB, Withington O, Hervé M et al. (2023). Exploring Minecraft Settlement Generators with Generative Shift Analysis.