The Centre for Advanced Robotics (ARQ) was established to promote robotics research and teaching at the College level. The center is led by Professor Kaspar Althoefer (EECS + the School Engineering and Material Science).
To mark the occasion, the Centre for Advanced Robotics invites you to join the Open Robotics Day and ARQ inauguration on June 29th 2017.
The Centre for Advanced Robotics (ARQ) was established to promote robotics research and teaching at the College level. The centre is led by Professor Kaspar Althoefer (EECS+SEMS). Dr Lorenzo Jamone and Dr Ildar Farkhatdinov have joined ARQ and EECS as Lectures.
ARQ is looking for internal and external collaborations and interested people are welcome to contact ARQ members. Several PhD-positions in Robotics are open within the ARQ centre.
Showcasing on the day will be QMUL’s varied and exciting robotics activities and hear from our researchers about their most recent advancements in their areas of interest - highlights include soft robotics, flying solar-copters, micro swarm robots, articulated prosthetics for children, robot co-workers for the factory environment, tactile sensing, haptic tele-operation, wearable robots and much more. The event is open to everyone with an interest in the growing field of robotics, be it just curiosity or your professional interest in robotics.
June 29, 2017, lab visit from 14:00, talks from 16:00.
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus (Octagon hall and Robotics lab)
Drinks and refreshments will be provided during the evening networking reception.
The event is supported by the Centre of Public Engagement, EECS and SEMS.
The event is a part of the UK Robotics Week.