Miss Jo BrodiePublic Engagement Co-ordinatorEmail: j.brodie@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 20 7882 7559Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 413ResearchResearchResearch Interests:I'm not an academic researcher but work for the CHI+MED project, whose research interests include patient safety, medical devices, human factors, formal methods and public engagement (that's the bit I'm most closely involved with). CHI+MED's funded by the EPSRC and four universities are involved: UCL, QMUL, Swansea University and City University - our blog is here http://chimedblog.wordpress.comI also work on the Teaching London Computing project. That's a joint project between QMUL and KCL, funded by the Mayor of London and the Department for Education. We're providing continuing professional development courses for London-based Computing teachers who'll be teaching the new Computing Curriculum from Autum 2014, our website's at http://teachinglondoncomputing.org