Dr Raymond HuLecturer in Computer ScienceEmail: r.hu@qmul.ac.ukRoom Number: Peter Landin Building, 4th FloorOffice Hours: [Email me to arrange an appointment.]ProfileTeachingResearchProfileRaymond Hu is a Lecturer in Computer Science in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Queen Mary University of London. He received a BA from the University of Cambridge, and an MSc and PhD from Imperial College London. He is a member of the Theory Group and the Centre for Fundamental Computer Science within EECS. His research interests include programming languages, specification and verification of concurrent and distributed systems, type systems, session types and behavioural types. See the Research tab for more info and Google Scholar for a list of his publications. TeachingLecturer for ECS401U Procedural Programming (Semester A). Module organiser for ECS652U Compilers (Semester B). I supervise UG and MSc projects. Feel free to contact me about potential projects. The best projects are usually those where the student finds a good topic in discussion with the supervisor (as opposed to the student coming up with a topic completely by themselves). Please see the QMplus pages for all details.ResearchResearch Interests:See Raymond Hu’s research profile pages including details of research interests, publications, and live grants.