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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Dr Raymond Hu


Lecturer in Computer Science

Room Number: Peter Landin Building, 4th Floor
Office Hours: [Email me to arrange an appointment.]


Raymond Hu is a Lecturer in Computer Science in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Queen Mary University of London.  He received a BA from the University of Cambridge, and an MSc and PhD from Imperial College London.

He is a member of the Theory Group and the Centre for Fundamental Computer Science within EECS.  His research interests include programming languages, specification and verification of concurrent and distributed systems, type systems, session types and behavioural types.

See the Research tab for more info and Google Scholar for a list of his publications.



Lecturer for ECS401U Procedural Programming (Semester A).

Module organiser for ECS652U Compilers (Semester B).

I supervise UG and MSc projects.  Feel free to contact me about potential projects.  The best projects are usually those where the student finds a good topic in discussion with the supervisor (as opposed to the student coming up with a topic completely by themselves).

Please see the QMplus pages for all details.


Research Interests:

Current and recent topics

Following are some selected topics and publications.
See my Google Scholar page for a more complete publication list: [Google Scholar]

Recent news

  • My Final Year Project student, Dawid Lachowicz, won the Kohei Honda Prize for his project on "Generic array sizes in the Go programming language".  Congratulations, Dawid!
  • Our paper on our preliminary work on monitoring timed protocols in Erlang is accepted at Erlang '24.
  • I participated and learned a lot at the Dagtushl Seminar “Next Generation Protocols for Heterogeneous Systems”.
  • My co-authors Grant Iraci and Cheng-En Chuang won a prize in the Russell L. Agrusa Student Innovation Competition at the University at Buffalo for our work on rate-based session types.  Congratulations, Grant and Cheng-En!
  • I am co-chair of the PLACES '24 workshop (at ETAPS '24) with Diana Costa.  Please consider submitting and attending!
  • Our software artifact for our paper at OOPSLA 2023 won the OOPSLA Distinguished Artifact award.
  • I was a discussion panel member at the ST30 "30 Years of Session Types" workshop at SPLASH 2023.
  • I received a "Best early-career educator" award (2023) from the School of EECS at QMUL.
  • Our paper on event-driven multiparty session actors with Simon Fowler is accepted at HOPE '24.
  • Our paper on rate-safe session types for embedded systems and IoT is accepted at OOPSLA 2023.
  • I gave an invited talk at the Stardust Project meeting (Sep 2022).
  • I gave an invited seminar at the University of Kent about our work on session types for fault-tolerant event-driven programming (Dec 2021).
  • I participated in the Dagstuhl Seminar "Behavioural Types: Bridging Theory and Practice".
  • Our paper on session types for fault-tolerant event-driven programming is accepted at OOPSLA 2021.


General research interests

Programming languages
Distributed programming
Concurrency and communication
Message passing
Type systems
Session types
Behavioural types



Session-based distributed programming in Java
R Hu, N Yoshida, K Honda
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 516-541
Behavioral types in programming languages
N Yoshida, VT Vasconcelos, L Padovani, NN Bono, R Neykova, F Montesi, ...
Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages 3 (2-3), 95-230
The Scribble protocol language
N Yoshida, R Hu, R Neykova, N Ng
International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, 22-41
Type-safe eventful sessions in Java
R Hu, D Kouzapas, O Pernet, N Yoshida, K Honda
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 329-353
Parameterised multiparty session types
N Yoshida, PM Deniélou, A Bejleri, R Hu
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and …
Hybrid session verification through endpoint API generation
R Hu, N Yoshida
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …
Parameterised multiparty session types
PM Deniélou, N Yoshida, A Bejleri, R Hu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.6483
Practical interruptible conversations: distributed dynamic verification with multiparty session types and Python
R Demangeon, K Honda, R Hu, R Neykova, N Yoshida
Formal Methods in System Design 46 (3), 197-225
Practical interruptible conversations
R Hu, R Neykova, N Yoshida, R Demangeon, K Honda
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 130-148
Practical interruptible conversations: Distributed Dynamic Veriļ¬cation with Session Types and Python
R Demangeon, R Hu, R Neykova, N Yoshida
A linear decomposition of multiparty sessions for safe distributed programming
A Scalas, O Dardha, R Hu, N Yoshida
31st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2017)
Explicit connection actions in multiparty session types
R Hu, N Yoshida
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …
A session type provider: compile-time API generation of distributed protocols with refinements in F#
R Neykova, R Hu, N Yoshida, F Abdeljallal
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Compiler Construction …
Safe parallel programming with session java
N Ng, N Yoshida, O Pernet, R Hu, Y Kryftis
International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, 110-126
Distributed programming using role-parametric session types in go: statically-typed endpoint apis for dynamically-instantiated communication structures
D Castro, R Hu, SS Jongmans, N Ng, N Yoshida
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (POPL), 1-30
Distributed programming using role-parametric session types in go: statically-typed endpoint APIs for dynamically-instantiated communication structures
D Castro-Perez, R Hu, S Jongmans, C Ng, N Yoshida
Association for Computing Machinery
SPY: local verification of global protocols
R Neykova, N Yoshida, R Hu
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 358-363
Structuring communication with session types
K Honda, R Hu, R Neykova, TC Chen, R Demangeon, PM Deniélou, ...
Concurrent Objects and Beyond, 105-127
Structuring Communication with Session Types
R Demangeon, R Hu, K Honda, N Yoshida, TC Chen, R Neykova
On asynchronous eventful session semantics
D Kouzapas, N Yoshida, R Hu, K Honda
Cambridge University Press
Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation
T Cogumbreiro, R Hu, F Martins, N Yoshida
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 50 (8), 150-160
Session-based programming for parallel algorithms: Expressiveness and performance
A Bejleri, R Hu, N Yoshida
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.0933
Multiparty session nets
L Fossati, R Hu, N Yoshida
International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, 112-127
Distributed programming using Java APIs generated from session types
R Hu
Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools, 287-308
A linear decomposition of multiparty sessions for safe distributed programming (artifact)
A Scalas, O Dardha, R Hu, N Yoshida
DARTS-Dagstuhl Artifacts Series 3
Statically verified refinements for multiparty protocols
F Zhou, F Ferreira, R Hu, R Neykova, N Yoshida
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 4 (OOPSLA), 1-30
Secure execution of distributed session programs
N Alves, R Hu, N Yoshida, PM Deniélou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.4156
Featherweight Go
R Griesemer, R Hu, W Kokke, J Lange, IL Taylor, B Toninho, P Wadler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.11710
Featherweight Go
Language and Runtime Implementation of Sessions for Java
R Hu, N Yoshida, K Honda
Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation
T Cogumbreiro, R Hu, F Martins, N Yoshida
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 41 (1), 1-38
A linear decomposition of multiparty sessions
A Scalas, O Dardha, R Hu, N Yoshida
Technical report, https://www. doc. ic. ac. uk/~ ascalas/mpst-linear
Structural, safe and high-level communications programming with session types
R Hu
Imperial College London
Safe parallel programming with session java
O Pernet, N Ng, R Hu, N Yoshida, Y Kryftis
Technical Report 14, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
Implementation of a distributed mobile Java
R Hu
A Typing Discipline for Statically Verified Crash Failure Handling in Distributed Systems
M Viering, TC Chen, P Eugster, R Hu, L Ziarek
European Symposium on Programming, 799-826
Type-safe Communication in Java with Session Types
R Hu, N Yoshida, K Honda
Dependent Session Types for Evolving Multiparty Communication Topologies
N Yoshida, PM Deniélou, A Bejleri, R Hu
The SJ Framework for Transport-Independent, Type-Safe, Object-Oriented Communications Programming
R Hu, N Yoshida, A Bejleri, K Honda
Concurrent combinators for mobile processes
R Hu
ISO report, Imperial College London
Dynamic Deadlock Verification for General Barrier Synchronisation
Structured, Safe Amd High-level Communications Programming with Session Types
R Hu
Department of Computing, Imperial College London
A Session Programming Tutorial for SessionJ
R Hu
Technology and Medicine
R Hu
Imperial College
Dynamic Runtime Verification of Distributed Programs through Multiparty Session Types
L Bocchi, TC Chen, R Demangeon, PM Deniélou, K Honda, R Hu, ...
Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation
T Soares Cogumbreiro Garcia, R Hu, F Martins, N Yoshida
Behavioral Types in Programming Languages
D Davide Ancona, M Bravetti, PM Deniélou, SJ Gay, N Gesbert, ...
Eventful Sessions: Eventful Sessions: Types, Programming and Bisimilarity
R Hu, D Kouzapas, O Pernet, N Yoshida, K Honda
Practical interruptible conversations
R Demangeon, K Honda, R Hu, R Neykova, N Yoshida
Safety Assurance Framework for Distributed Systems through Multiparty Session Types
L Bocchi, TC Chen, R Demangeon, PM Deniélou, K Honda, R Hu, ...
Distributed Governance with Scribble
R Hu, R Neykova, N Yoshida
BEAT 2, 83
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