Dr Johan PauwelsLecturer in Audio Signal ProcessingEmail: j.pauwels@qmul.ac.ukRoom Number: Engineering, Eng E108Office Hours: by appointmentProfileTeachingResearchSupervisionProfileJohan Pauwels is a Lecturer with the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London. He received Master of Science degrees in Electrical/Electronics Engineering (KU Leuven ’06) and Artificial Intelligence (KU Leuven ’07). In 2016, he obtained a PhD from Ghent University on the topic of automatic harmony recognition from audio. He has further held research positions at IRCAM and Imperial College of London and has also taught at City, University of London and the University of West London.TeachingIn 2024-2025, I am teaching ECS7013P Deep Learning for Audio and Music (MSc/PhD) ECS411U Signals and Information (1st year UG) ResearchResearch Interests:See Johan Pauwels’ research profile pages including details of research interests, publications, and live grants.SupervisionCurrently, I'm part of the supervisory team of the following PhD students: Yannis Vasilakis (primary supervisor) Christos Plachouras (primary co-supervisor) Gregor Meehan (primary supervisor) James Bolt (secondary supervisor) Carlos De La Vega Martin (secondary supervisor) Jeff Miller (secondary supervisor) Kasia Adamska (secondary supervisor) Harnick Khera (secondary supervisor) Jinjie Shi (secondary supervisor) Most of these are funded through the UKRI Doctoral School in AI and Music. Moreover, in a typical year I am supervising 8-10 BSc/BEng and 8-10 MSc students for their final year projects.