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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Dr Tijana Timotijevic, PhD


Senior Lecturer

Telephone: +44 20 7882 5332
Room Number: Engineering, Eng E302
Office Hours: Tuesday 09:00-10:30


Control Systems (Postgraduate)

The module provides a grounding in control systems modelling and analysis, using engineering mathematical techniques. It concludes with the examples of control systems design, underpinned by the modelling and analysis that precedes and informs the design. Syllabus: Control systems: what they are, examples of control systems, open-loop and closed-loop control systems, block diagrams of continuous (analog) and discrete-time (digital) control systems, system equations, differential equations, difference equations, linear and non-linear systems, free response, forced response, total response, steady state and transient responses, second-order systems, linearity and superposition, Laplace transform and its inverse , properties of Laplace transform, pole-zero mapping, application of Laplace transform to model systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, transfer functions and properties, analysis and design of feedback control systems, Bode analysis and design, Root-locus analysis and design, steady-state error analysis, introduction to advanced topics in control systems.

Control Systems (Undergraduate)

This module introduces the principles of control systems, particularly in respect of electronic systems. It covers: - feedback systems - modelling dynamic systems - the steady state response - the frequency response and s-plane analysis for the transient response - control of digital systems (sampled data systems) - use of the z-transform.

Electric and Magnetic Fields (Undergraduate)

This module covers the basic laws of electric and magnetic fields, their application to elementary problems involving steady and time changing fields and currents, and an introduction to electromagnetic radiation. The Maxwell Equations, which explain the relationships between time varying electric and magnetic fields, will be introduced. The emphasis is on physical intuition and visualisation supported by mathematical modelling and analysis and labs.

Electronic Devices and Applications (Undergraduate)

This module describes the physical basis behind common semiconductor devices including the pn junction diode, bipolar junction transistor, MOSFET and related devices (NMOS, PMOS, CMOS) and Operational Amplifiers. Basic circuits using these devices are discussed including rectifiers, amplifiers, inverters, integrators, differentiators, and summing circuits.


Research Interests:

In my early career my research was in the area of telecommunications. My current interests are in developing engineering education, and I am working on initiatives to improve students’ learning and their outcomes in EECS.

BEng (Hons), PhD (1999, Telecommunications), MSc (2007, Biomedical Engineering)
Haratian, R., Twycross-Lewis, R., Timotijevic, T., Philips, C. 2013. “Towards flexibility in sensor placement for motion capture: a signal processing approach”, IEEE Sensors, 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2286994
Haratian, R., Phillips, C., and Timoti jevic, T. 2012. A PCA-based technique for compensating the effect of sensor position changes in motion data. In IEEE Conf. on Intel. Systems, IEEE, 126-131
 Haratian, R., Phillips, C., and Timotijevic, T. 2012. A data-driven functional PCA filter for compensating the effect of sensor position changes in motion data. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets '12). ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Tel ecommunications Engineering), ICST, Brussels, Belgium, 5-8
Hasib, M., Schormans, J.A. and Timotijev ic, T. 2007.Accuracy of measurements technique s supporting QoS in packet-based intranet and extranet VPNs. IET Communications, 1 (3), 507-513
Timotijevic,T., Leung, C.M., and Schormans, J.A. 2004. Accuracy of measurements te chniques supporting QoS in packet-based intranet and extranet VPNs. IEE Proceedings - Communications Special Edition: VPNs and Broadband Techno logies, 151(1), 89-94
Timotijevic, T. and Schormans, J.A. 2003. Bandwidth overhead of probe techn ology guaranteeing QoS in packet networks. IEE Electronic Letters, 39(10), 816-818
Timotijevic, T. and Schormans, J.A. 2000. ATM Level Performance Analysis on a DS-CDMA Satellite Link using DTX. IEE Proceedings - Communications, 147(1), 47-56
Timotijevic, T. a nd Schormans, J.A. Bandwidth overhead of measurement technology used for guaranteeing QoS in packet networks. International Network Optimizatio n Conference (INOC), October 27-29, 2003, Paris, France, 551
Schormans, J.A. and Timotijevic, T. 2003. Evaluating the accuracy of active measurement of delay and loss in packet networks. In: 6th IFIP/IEEE Conf. on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS), Sept. 2003, Belfast. In: A. Marshall and N. Agoulmine (Ed.): MMNS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2839, 409–421. © IFIP In ternational Federation for Information Processing 2003.Springer Berlin/Heidelberg


  • Haratian R, Twycross-Lewis R, Timotijevic T et al. (2014). Toward Flexibility in Sensor Placement for Motion Capture Systems: A Signal Processing Approach. nameOfConference

  • Haratian R, Phillips C, Timotijevic T (2012). A PCA-based Technique for Compensating the Effect of Sensor Position Changes in Motion Data. 2012 6th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Hasib M, Schormans J, Timotijevic T (2007). Accuracy of packet loss monitoring over networked CPE. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • SCHORMANS JA, Leung CM, Timotijevic T (2004). Accuracy of measurement techniques supporting QoS in packet-based intranet and extranet VPNs. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • SCHORMANS JA, Timotijevic T (2003). Bandwidth overhead of probe technology guaranteeing QoS in packet networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Schormans JA, Timotijevic T (2003). Evaluating the accuracy of active measurement of delay and loss in packet networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • TIMOTIJEVIC T, Schormans JA (2000). ATM Level Performance Analysis on a DS-CDMA Satellite Link using DTX. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
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