Professor Gareth TysonSenior LecturerEmail: Number: Peter Landin, CS 404Website: Hours: Monday 14:00-16:00TeachingResearchTeachingAdvanced Network Programming (BUPT joint programme) This module builds on the students' Java programming skills to equip them with a conceptual understanding of a selection of advanced topics in network programming including threads, sockets, RMI, JavaScript and server-side topics (servlets, JSPs and JavaBeans). HTML and the HTTP protocol are also covered. The course contains a coursework component requiring each student to understand how to develop a distributed application such as an e-commerce platform, implemented using the technologies introduced in the lectures. Introductory Java Programming (BUPT joint programme) ResearchResearch Interests:See Gareth Tyson's research profile pages including details of research interests, publications, and live grants.