Dr Arkaitz Zubiaga
Senior Lecturer and Director of Graduate Studies (Research)
Email: a.zubiaga@qmul.ac.uk
Room Number: Peter Landin 4th floor
Website: http://www.zubiaga.org
Programming for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ECS7023P)
This is one of two gateway modules for the MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence by Conversion. This module provides an intensive practical introduction to programming in Python, suitable for students with some degree of mathematical or statistical maturity.
This module provides an intensive practical introduction to programming in Python, suitable for students with some degree of mathematical or statistical maturity. It covers a range of practical skills and underlying knowledge. These include the basic programming constructs for control, data structuring and modularisation; best practices for programming and debugging code in python; processing of larger-scale files and datasets.
Natural Language Processing (ECS763P/U)
Recent years have seen a sharp rise in the use of speech- and language-processing applications. Many of the most important applications for computing now involve the processing and understanding of spoken or written language: dialogue systems like Siri and Cortana let you control devices by talking to them; Google provides automatic translation between languages; text analysis software tries to mine opinions from social media, summarise documents and answer questions. Performing these tasks, and moving beyond them, requires not only recognizing words and sentences, but understanding them: assigning structure and meaning to what people say in a particular context.
This course explains why processing human language is a hard problem, requiring insights from logic, linguistics, probability theory, statistics and machine learning. It introduces suitable techniques for categorizing, understanding and generating language -- including statistical and rule-based approaches -- and shows how to apply them in the systems of today and tomorrow.