Dr Michaela MacDonaldEmail: michaela.macdonald@qmul.ac.ukProfileProfileDr Michaela MacDonald is a Lecturer at Queen Mary University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, teaching Interactive Entertainment Law, AI, Robotics and the Law, Cybersecurity Law and Product Development across the undergraduate, LLM and distance learning programmes. Michaela’s main research interests are in the legal, regulatory and societal effects of disruptive technologies. Her PhD thesis explored the concept of virtual property. She has been involved in projects examining the legal and regulatory implications of cloud computing, investigating the legality of smart contracts in the Lloyd’s insurance market and most recently, computational creativity in video games. Michaela is also working at Moorcrofts LLP as a consultant, collaborating on projects that have focused on the legality of data and text mining activities, Open Source licenses classification and contract automation.Research