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Fourth Drapers' Annual Lecture - 'The Future of Higher Education: Funding and the Economy'

22 October 2009

Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Mason Lecture Theatre, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End

"We cannot take for granted that the political prioritisation of higher education will continue. But we will not argue merely that HE should be protected from cuts. We will argue for growth in investment in teaching and research, not despite the current economic crisis, but because of it."

The Fourth Drapers' Lecture will be given by Professor Steve Smith, Vice Chancellor of the University of Exeter. Professor Smith was until August 2009 the Chair of the 1994 group of universities, of which Queen Mary if a member, and is the new President of Universities UK. Given the current economic and political climate and concerns regarding fees and other funding sources for universities, his talk will be a timely addition to the national debate.

The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception.

If you would like to reserve a place at the lecture, or require any further information, please email: or contact Dr Giles Martin in the Educational and Staff Development (ESD).


Contact information:

Educational and Staff Development

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