Mike Braden: Celebrating 50 Years Acrylic Polymers
24 March 2011
Time: 11:00am
Venue: The Great Hall, People’s Palace, Mile End Campus
All alumni of the Dental School are invited to attend a conference which celebrates Professor Mike Braden's 50-year association with the Dental School and his work on acrylic polymers.
The event takes place on Thursday 24 March from 11am in The People's Palace, Great Hall on the Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End campus.
This event is free of charge.
This event forms part of the Dental School Centenary Celebrations
Please inform Margaret Woolcott if you intend to come, for catering purposes, by Wednesday 16 March.
Contact: m.r.m.woolcott@qmul.ac.uk or telephone 0207 882 5990.