Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Venue: Bancroft 2.40, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Staff are invited to the next event of Queen Mary’s Centre for the Study of Global Security and Development which will be a public debate, 'Explaining the Crisis in Syria'.
This will be a three-way debate focusing on the current political crisis in Syria involving Dr Chris Phillips (an expert on Syria within Queen Mary's School of Politics & International Relations), Ammar Waqqaf (a leading voice in the Syrian Social Club, a group advocating reform within the framework of the existing state), and Malik Al-Abdeh (Chief Editor of the opposition satellite TV station, Barada TV).
The event will take place 6-8pm in Bancroft 2.40, QMUL, Mile End Campus on Tuesday February 7, 2012.
For further information please contact Helen Blockley - h.a.blockley@qmul.ac.uk