Time: 6:30 - 8:00pm Venue: Skeel Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS
The In Conversation series from the Mile End Institute brings senior figures from across the political spectrum to Queen Mary University of London for an in-depth exploration of their politics.
With Professor Philip Cowley as Chair, we ask what motivates our political leaders, how they come to make difficult decisions, and what it takes to win.
Yvette Cooper MP is chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee. She served as a minister under Gordon Brown and stood for the Labour Party leadership following the 2015 election defeat. Yvette will share her insights about the future of the Labour party, her response to the refugee crisis, and how politicians can deal with social media.
The event will be followed by a drinks reception to which all are welcome.
The Mile End Institute is a major new policy centre established at Queen Mary University of London, building on the foundations of our predecessor organisation, the Mile End Group.
Drawing on our unique location within a Russell Group University situated in London’s East End, we bring together policymakers, academics and diverse local communities to address the major political challenges in the UK. The Institute calls on a large pool of expertise from the Schools of History and Politics under the guidance of our patron, the historian and cross-bench peer Peter Hennessy.