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Freedom, Security and Justice post-Brexit: The UK-EU Relationship in Troubled Waters

When: Friday, November 19, 2021 - Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Where: Zoom

Online polcy roundtable co-organised by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence NEXTEUK on the Future of EU-UK Relations (Queen Mary, University of London) and by the Jean Monnet Chair RE-CON on EU-UK internal security relationship post-Brexit (Northumbria University). This will be a recorded online policy roundtable, which seeks to facilitate dialogue in the field of Justice and Home Affairs between practitioners and academics, as well as formulate policy recommendations.


The roundtable will have 3 elements a(ll the hours indicated in this programme are based on London timing):


09h00- 09h15 Introductory Remarks


09h15- 10h15- Keynote by Sir Julian King «Meeting shared challenges. Protecting our shared values»

Chair: Dr Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)


10h15- 10h30- Coffee Break


10h30- 12h00- Panel «'You can’t always get what you want'. The impact of Brexit on UK internal security »

Speaker 1: Lord Ricketts (House of Lords)

Speaker 2: Professor Christian Kaunert (Dublin City University)

Speaker 3: Baroness Hamwee (House of Lords)

Speaker 4: Professor Elaine Fahey (City University of London)

Chair: Dr Sarah Wolff (Queen Mary, University of London)


12h00- 13h00- Lunch break


13h00- 14h30- Panel «With or without U(K): the post-Brexit Area of Freedom, Security and Justice »

Speaker 1:  Professor Florian Trauner (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Speaker 2: Mr Claude Moraes (ex-MEP)

Speaker 3: Ms Camino Mortera-Martinez (Centre for European Reform)

Speaker 4: Dr Chloe Briere (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Chair: Dr Agathe Piquet (Queen Mary, University of London)


		Freedom, Security and Justice post-Brexit image

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