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QMUL Christian Network

QMUL Christian Network:
Christian Fellowship at Mile End Campus
Christian Fellowship at Charterhouse Square

The CrossWhat does the group do?
The group aims to be an outward-looking network of Christian members at Queen Mary. We organise Bible studies and prayer/worship meetings and wish to assist anyone who would like to know more about Jesus Christ. We will partner with the QMSU Christian Union and the QM Chaplaincy for specific activities and events.

How often do you meet?
At least once fortnightly on both the Mile End and Charterhouse Square campuses

Where do you meet?
Christian Fellowship at Mile End meets in Library Meeting Room 3 (2nd Floor) or college rooms at Mile End Christian Fellowship at Charterhouse Square meets in The Shield (Shield 2), Dawson Hall, Charterhouse Square.

What do you do at these meetings?
Bible study/discussion, worship and prayer.

Who is the group open to?
Christians and non-Christians wanting to find out more about Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Group leadership (and for further information)
Andy Walsh ( - Mile End Campus
Rosemary Harris ( - Mile End Campus
Jonathan Owens ( - Charterhouse Square Campus

What benefits does the group bring to staff, students and the organisation?
QMUL Christian Network is a fellowship for QMUL Christian staff and students. We aim to advance Christian faith and teachings for the benefit of college staff and students by holding bible studies, worship and prayer meetings. We believe that the wider public will also benefit when staff and students put their faith into practice in the wider community. The Christian faith and teachings we promote provide a moral framework for people to live by, thereby creating a better society. Christian faith promotes respect, tolerance and cohesion among believers and non-believers.

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