UNIT4 Agresso is used by many higher education institutes because of its adaptability and ability to support multiple and often conflicting business activities such as: education, research, accommodation, conferences, catering and consultancy. The QM Agresso database can be accessed via the standard Agresso Smart Client program or via the internet using web-based services. New users will generally be set up on the web-based system.
Objectives of UNIT4 Agresso System
- User Friendly system
- Authorisation takes place at Requisition stage
- Improves efficiency and speed of the purchasing process
- Integrates the purchasing process onto one system
- Reduces the overall cost per transaction
- Reduction in the paper chase
- Electronic requisition and invoice authorisation
- Tighter control of purchasing within Departments/Institutes
- Commitment accounting and budget management
- Easily accessible, on-line management reporting information
- Speeds payment of suppliers, improving purchasing power and price negotiation
- Access to E-Procurement