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The chart of accounts provides you with a description of the 4 digit account codes. When filling out a JIDO, it is advised that you use the most appropriate code. Income codes range from 1000-1999 and Expenditure codes range from 2100 - 6999.

Hint: Use the find function from the edit menu (or press CTRL and F) to quickly find what you are looking for. If you want to know all the travel expenditure codes, for example, you can do a search for 'travel' and use 'Find Next' to cycle through all the available ones.

The full listing is as below:



Account Description Rule
2100 Basic pay Salaries
2200 Allowances and contract staff Salaries Trust
2201 Internal salary recharges Salaries Trust
2212 Finance use only - Research grant salary Salaries Trust
2400 Hourly paid staff Salaries Trust
2900 Vacancy savings Salaries
3000 Internal hospitality Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3001 Internal hospitality - Alcohol Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3003 Internal transfers - Physics Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3005 Internal transfers - Staffing Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3007 Internal transfers - Inter library loans Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3008 Internal transfers - Library dept/Inst fund Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3010 Internal transfers - General consumables Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3011 Internal transfers - Food Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3012 Internal transfers - Academic lunches Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3013 Internal transfers - Departmental dinners Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3014 Internal transfers - Refreshments Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3015 Internal transfers - Audio/Visual Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3016 Internal transfers - Academic room listings Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3020 Internal transfers - Reprographics and photography Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3030 Internal transfers - Photocopying Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3040 Internal transfers - Computer supplies Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3042 Internal transfers - Computer software Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3050 Internal transfers - Courses and training Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3070 Internal transfers - Telephones Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3080 Internal transfers - Postage Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3090 Internal transfers - Other Internal Transfers - Expenditure
3110 Telephones Operating Expenditure
3120 Postage and couriers Operating Expenditure
3130 Computer supples Operating Expenditure
3136 Software purchase, maintenance, licences Operating Expenditure
3140 Printing and photocopying Operating Expenditure
3143 Design Operating Expenditure
3150 Stationary Operating Expenditure
3169 Clinical trial expenses Operating Expenditure
3180 Health and safety consumables Operating Expenditure
3199 Research partners' costs Operating Expenditure
3210 Travel and subsistence Operating Expenditure
3211 Staff travel expenses Operating Expenditure
3212 Subsistence Operating Expenditure
3213 Conferences Operating Expenditure
3214 Accommodation Operating Expenditure
3215 Overseas travel Operating Expenditure
3216 Air travel Operating Expenditure
3217 Rail travel Operating Expenditure
3219 Taxis and chauffeurs Operating Expenditure
3220 Hospitality - General Operating Expenditure
3221 Cigarettes and tobacco Operating Expenditure
3222 Catering equipment Operating Expenditure
3224 Vending equipment Operating Expenditure
3230 Vehicle running expenses Operating Expenditure
3240 Dental materials Operating Expenditure
3310 Books and reports Operating Expenditure
3311 Periodicals and journals Operating Expenditure
3313 Binding Operating Expenditure
3320 Computerised library services Operating Expenditure
3325 Inter library loans Operating Expenditure
3326 Archiving consumables Operating Expenditure
3327 Electronic media Operating Expenditure
3328 Other/General library Operating Expenditure
3330 Publicity and marketing Operating Expenditure
3340 Exhibitions Operating Expenditure
3345 Staff recruitment Operating Expenditure
3350 Subscriptions Operating Expenditure
3360 Prizes Operating Expenditure
3365 Hardship payments Student Funds
3370 Scholarships Scholarships/Studentships
3410 Food Operating Expenditure
3418 Snacks and confectionery Operating Expenditure
3420 Liquor Operating Expenditure - Alcohol
3421 Alcoholic drinks Operating Expenditure - Alcohol
3422 Wines Operating Expenditure - Alcohol
3423 Non-alcoholic drinks Operating Expenditure
3440 Photographic supplies Operating Expenditure
3510 Training Operating Expenditure
3520 Field trips/Vacation courses Operating Expenditure
3620 Studentships Scholarships/Studentships
3630 Staff removals Operating Expenditure
3650 Laboratory supplies Operating Expenditure
3653 Liquid nitrogen Operating Expenditure
3655 Lab gas purchases (non-liquid nitrogen) Operating Expenditure
3656 Chemicals Operating Expenditure
3657 Pharmaceuticals Operating Expenditure
3660 Cleaning supplies and services Operating Expenditure
3661 Waste disposal (chemical and radioactive) Operating Expenditure
3662 Living organisms and material Operating Expenditure
3664 Duty free spirits Operating Expenditure
3700 BSU Operating Expenditure
3800 General consumables Operating Expenditure
3801 General consumables - Flowers Operating Expenditure
3802 General consumables - Disposals Operating Expenditure
3812 Finance use only - Research grant consumables Operating Expenditure
3900 Agency staff - Clerical Operating Expenditure
3901 Agency staff - Reception Operating Expenditure
3902 Agency staff - Catering Operating Expenditure
3903 Agency staff - Cleaners Operating Expenditure
3904 Agency staff - Portering Operating Expenditure
3905 Agency staff - Security Operating Expenditure
3906 Agency staff - Technician Operating Expenditure
3907 Agency staff - Hospitality Operating Expenditure
4040 General equipment purchase Operating Expenditure
4041 Audio equipment and video conferencing Operating Expenditure
4050 Computer equipment purchase Operating Expenditure
4060 Furniture purchase Operating Expenditure
4070 Vehicle purchases Operating Expenditure
4240 General equipment rental Rental and Lease of Equipment
4260 Photocopier rental Rental and Lease of Equipment
4261 Mail services - Inland Rental and Lease of Equipment
4262 Mail services - Overseas Rental and Lease of Equipment
4263 Mail room equipment Rental and Lease of Equipment
4270 Vehicle rental Rental and Lease of Equipment
4280 Other rentals Rental and Lease of Equipment
4340 General equipment maintenance Maintenance of Equipment
4350 Computer equipment maintenance Maintenance of Equipment
4370 Vehicle maintenance Maintenance of Equipment
5110 Rents and leases Premises Costs
5120 Rates Premises Costs
5130 Insurance - Buildings Premises Costs
5131 Insurance - Students posession Premises Costs
5210 Electricity Estates General
5211 Gas Estates General
5212 Water Estates General
5220 Cleaning contracts - Laundry Estates General
5221 Cleaning contracts - Carpet Estates General
5222 Cleaning contracts - Windows Estates General
5223 Cleaning contracts - Space cleaning Estates General
5230 Security contracts Estates General
5240 Telephone maintenance and contracts Estates General
5280 Special clothing and uniforms Estates General
5710 Maintenance work - Building Estates Maintenance
5720 Maintenance work - Electrical Estates Maintenance
5730 Maintenance work - Mechanical Estates Maintenance
5740 Maintenance work - Furniture and equipment Estates Maintenance
5750 Other maintenance work Estates Maintenance
5753 Other maintenance work - Miscellaneous Estates Maintenance
5760 Data cabling Estates Maintenance
5770 Grounds and landscaping Estates Maintenance
5780 Signage Estates Maintenance
5785 Waste and refuse Estates Maintenance
5795 General safety and security Estates Maintenance
5799 Transfer cap scheme spend to AICC Fixed Assets
6120 Interest - Bank Interest
6130 Interest - Other loans Interest
6140 Leasing charges Leasing
6170 Discounts allowed (with Budcode) Discounts Allowed
6171 Discounts allowed (Prompt payment) Discounts Received
6190 Bank charges Bank Charges
6191 Investment management fees Bank Charges
6330 Partner overheads Research Overheads
6350 Internal central costs recharge Research Overheads
6410 Departmental waived fees/Scholarships Fees Waived
3412 Erasmus Fees Waived
6413 Discounts agreed by PSG Fees Waived
6414 College competitive scholarships Fees Waived
6415 College funded ORS studentships Fees Waived
6416 Student bursaries Student Bursaries
6420 Legal fees Fees
6430 External audit Fees
6431 Internal audit Fees
6432 Auditor's remuneration in respect of non-audit ser Fees
6440 Consultancy fees Fees
6441 Consultancy fees (via payroll) Salaries
6445 Commission/Agents fees Fees
6450 Other fees Fees
6455 Contract research fees Fees
6460 Licences and royalties Fees
6465 Patent and IP fees Fees
6470 Debt recovery Fees
6480 Tuition fees Fees (PRGCODE)
6485 External examiners fees Fees
6490 Univ. of London - Centrally provided services Fees
6495 Payments for collaborative teaching Operating Expenditure
6500 Architects fees Fees
6510 Surveyors fees Fees
6520 Structural engineering fees Fees
6530 Consulting engineers fees (M&E) Fees
6540 Company reports Fees
6550 Quantity surveyors fees Fees
6600 Audit fees for subsidiaries Fees
6630 Teaching costs Fees
6820 Unfunded pensions Non-Operating Costs - Staff Related
6830 Severance costs Non-Operating Costs - Staff Related
6840 Donations and sponsorships Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6850 Write off - Finance use only Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6851 Impairment of investments held by QMU Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6860 Ex Gratia Payments Non-Operating Costs - Staff Related
6870 Currency Losses Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6875 Tax on benefits in kind - Non staff Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6880 Corporation tax Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6890 VAT recovery VAT Recovery Income
6920 Depreciation - Buildings freehold Depreciation
6930 Depreciation - Buildings (Long leasehold) Depreciation
6935 Depreciation - Plant and machinery Depreciation
6940 Depreciation - Equipment Depreciation
6980 Surplus/deficit on endowment funds transfer to reserves Non-Operating Costs - Non Staff
6999 Year end balance tranfer Year End I&E Transfer


Account Description Rule
1110 HEFCE teaching grant General Income (Non-Business)
1111 Internal use only - Teaching grant transfers General Income (Non-Business)
1112 HEFCE research grant General Income (Non-Business)
1113 Internal use only - Research grant transfers General Income (Non-Business)
1116 HEFCE widening participation grant General Income (Non-Business)
1117 Internal use only - Widening participation grant General Income (Non-Business)
1120 Utilisation of deferred HEFCE capital grant General Income (Non-Business)
1130 Utilisation of deferred HEFCE grants General Income (Non-Business)
1140 Revaluation reserve released to I&E General Income (Non-Business)
1210 Home tuition fees undergraduate Fee Income New
1211 Transfer tuition fees to departments Fee Income New
1212 Manual tuition fee invoicing Fee Income New
1213 Internal transfer - HEFCE and fees General Income (Non-Business)
1216 Transfer tuition fees to department - Full time home undergrad Fee Income New
1221 Transfer tuition fees to department - Full time overseas unergrad Fee Income New
1226 Transfer tuition fees to department - Part time home undergrad Fee Income New
1231 Transfer tuition fees to department - Part time overseas undergrad Fee Income New
1236 Transfer tuition fees to department - Full time home postgrad Fee Income New
1240 Research training support grants Fee Income New
1241 Transfer tuition fees to department - Full time overseas postgrad Fee Income New
1246 Transfer tuition fees to department - Part time home postgrad Fee Income New
1250 Associate students Fee Income New
1251 Transfer tuition fees to department - Part time overseas postgrad Fee Income New
1256 Transfer tuition fees to department - Full time home associate Fee Income New
1260 Short courses Fee Income New
1261 Transfer tuition fees to department - Full time overseas associate Fee Income New
1266 Transfer tuition fees to department - Part time home associate Fee Income New
1271 Transfer tuition fees to department - Part time overseas associate Fee Income New
1280 Resists income Fee Income New
1282 Student administration charges General Income (Standard Rated)
1283 Academic conferences - Delegate fees General Income (Exempt)
1284 Other student services General Income (Exempt)
1285 Bench fees General Income (Exempt)
1296 Graduation ceremonies General Income (Standard Rated)
1410 Investment income General Income (Non-Business)
1420 Interest on deposits General Income (Non-Business)
1430 Endowment income General Income (Non-Business)
1510 Students' accommodation General Income (Exempt)
1513 Residences academic > 28 days Rent 28 Day Rule
1516 Residences external (VATable) General Income (Standard Rated)
1519 Residences academic (up to 28 days) General Income (Standard Rated)
1520 Residences external (eligible bodies only) General Income (Exempt)
1530 Food outlets - Students General Income (Exempt)
1532 Food outlets - Non-students General Income (Standard Rated)
1535 Vending General Income (Standard Rated)
1536 Conference food external (VATable) General Income (Standard Rated)
1537 Conference food external (eligible bodies only) General Income (Exempt)
1538 Catering food external General Income (Standard Rated)
1551 Alcohol income bars and restaurants General Income (Standard Rated)
1554 Alcohol income conference General Income (Standard Rated)
1560 Room hire incidental to catering event General Income (Standard Rated)
1561 Room hire General Income (Exempt)
1562 Cancellation fees General Income (Non-Business)
1580 AV equipment hire (VATable) General Income (Standard Rated)
1581 AV equipment hire (eligible bodies only) General Income (Exempt)
1590 CCRS miscellaneous (VATable) General Income (Standard Rated)
1591 Laundry machines General Income (Standard Rated)
1592 Linen purchase General Income (Standard Rated)
1594 Landlord registration fees General Income (Standard Rated)
1595 Gym memberships General Income (Exempt)
1610 Management fees from group companies General Income (Standard Rated)
1620 Equipment hire General Income (Standard Rated)
1630 Utilisation of deferred grants - Non HEFCE Grant Income
1640 Utilisation of deferred capital grants - Non-HEFCE Grant Income
1650 Non HEFCE grants received Grant Income
1660 Rent received General Income (Exempt) Including Payroll
1661 Rent received - Taxable General Income (Standard Rated)
1662 Service charges - Exempt General Income (Exempt)
1663 Service charges - Taxable General Income (Standard Rated)
1666 Stationary and computer supplies General Income (Standard Rated)
1667 Equipment repairs General Income (Standard Rated)
1683 Equipment sales General Income (Standard Rated)
1685 Property sales - Exempt General Income (Exempt)
1686 Books, periodicals, manuals General Income (Zero Rated)
1687 Photocopying and printing General Income (Standard Rated)
1688 Library services General Income (Zero Rated)
1689 Nursery fees General Income (Exempt) Including Payroll
1694 Advertising and sponsorship General Income (Standard Rated)
1695 Donations and scholarships General Income (Non-Business)
1696 Photographic General Income (Standard Rated)
1697 Car parking General Income (Standard Rated)
1698 Foreign currency exchange gains and losses Investment Income
1699 Gift aid from group companies General Income (Non-Business)
1711 Research grant utilisation transfers Research Grant Utilisation Transfer
1712 Finance use only - Research grand utilisation Research Grant Utilisation Transfer
1715 Research overhead income Research Grant Overhead Transfer
1720 UK licence and royalty income and transfers of IP General Income (Standard Rated)
1721 Overseas royalties General Income (Overseas)
1722 Commissions General Income (Standard Rate)
1819 Consultancy and professional services (outside EC) General Income (Non-Business)
1820 Consultancy and professional services General Income (Standard Rated)
1821 Medical care or treatment General Income (Exempt)
1822 Overseas consultancy and professional services General Income (Overseas)
1823 Clinical trials General Income (Standard Rated)
1824 Engineering/Materials General Income (Standard Rated)
1825 Laboratory testing and screening (Therapeutic) General Income (Exempt)
1826 Laboratory testing and screening (Non-therapeutic) General Income (Standard Rated)
1827 Recharge of student services (Eligible body) General Income (Exempt)
1831 Contract income utilisation transfer Research Grant Utilisation Transfer
1835 Contract overhead (indirect cost) income Research Grant Overhead Transfer
1860 SIFT income General Income (Non-Business)
1880 Dental and medical funding bodies General Income (Non-Business)
1890 NHS recharge recoveries General Income (Non-Business)
1894 Non-VATable staff secondments General Income (Non-Business)
1895 Staff secondments and other staff supplies General Income (Standard Rated)
1896 University of London external programmes General Income (Exempt)
1899 Miscellaneous Income (GL use only) General Income (Non-Business)
1900 Internal hospitality Internal Transfers - Income
1901 Internal hospitality - Alcohol Internal Transfers - Income (VATable)
1903 Internal transfers - Physics Internal Transfers - Income
1905 Internal transfers - Staffing Internal Transfers - Income
1907 Internal transfers - Inter library loans Internal Transfers - Income
1908 Internal transfers - Library dept/inst fund Internal Transfers - Income
1910 Internal transfers - General consumables Internal Transfers - Income
1911 Internal transfers - Food Internal Transfers - Income
1912 Internal transfers - Academic lunches Internal Transfers - Income
1913 Internal transfers - Departmental dinners Internal Transfers - Income
1914 Internal transfers - Refreshments Internal Transfers - Income
1915 Internal transfers - Audio/Visuals Internal Transfers - Income
1916 Internal transfers - Academic room lettings Internal Transfers - Income
1920 Internal transfers - Reprographics and photo Internal Transfers - Income
1930 Internal transfers - Photocopying Internal Transfers - Income
1940 Internal transfers - Computer supplies Internal Transfers - Income
1942 Internal transfers - Computer software Internal Transfers - Income
1950 Internal transfers - Courses and training Internal Transfers - Income
1970 Internal transfers - Telephones Internal Transfers - Income
1980 Internal transfers - Postage Internal Transfers - Income
1990 Internal transfers - Other Internal Transfers - Income
1999 Bank suspense General Income (Non-Business)
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