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Name of department Cost centre code
Admissions 4129
Adult Gastroenterology (GI Science) 2343
Adult Oral Health 2200
Advice and Counseling 4110
Aimhigher 1086
Alumni and Events Office 4122
Anaesthetics 2710
Arts and Humanities Other 1041
Arts Computing Unit 1040
Arts Faculty 1042
Arts Postgraduate Centre 1043
Astronomy 1810
Bank Accounts 6000
Banking 1312
Beijing International College 1712
Bio Sciences 2325
Biochemical Pharmacology 2900
Biological Services 2050
Bone and Joint Research Unit 2910
Business Support 4400
Business Support - Non Commercial 4439
Cancer and Inflammation 2930
Cancer Education 2570
Cancer Imaging 2520
Capital 6020
Cardiac, Vascular and Inflammation 2930
Cardiac, Vascular and Inflammation Research 2331
Careers 4100
Catering - Dawson Hall 4325
Catering - Mile End 4321
Catering - Robin Brook Centre 4322
Catering - South Woodford 4323
Catering Whitechapel 4324
CCRS Other 4380
CCRS Training 4371
Cell and Molecular Administration 2785
Central Administration Directorate 5080
Central Campus Services 4475
Central SCS Commercial 4331
Centre for Cell Signalling 2526
Centre for Commercial Law Studies 1310
Centre for Editing Lives 1013
Chemical Endocrinology 2300
Chemistry 1510
Child Health 2310
Cleaning 4440
Clinical and Diagnostic Oral Sciences 2210
Clinical Biochemistry 2320
Clinical Pharmacology 2920
College Rebranding 4127
College Studentships 4175
Commercial Law 1311
Communications 4125
Computer Science 1820
Computer Services 4002
Conferences 4354
Corporate Affairs 4120
Creditors 6035
Cutaneous 2510
Debtors 6030
Dental Administration 2220
Dentistry 2245
Development Office 4123
Diabetes 2330
Diabetes and Immunogenetics 2332
Disability and Dyslexia Provision 4116
Distance Learning Unit 1825
Dorset Laboratory Unit 1540
Drama 1011
Economics 1210
Education Liaison 4126
Educational and Staff Development 4155
Electronic Engineering 1710
Electronic Engineering and Computer Science 1840
Endocrinology 2305
Endowments 6070
Energy 4490
Engineering 1700
Engineering and Materials Science 1750
English 1010
Environmental and Preventive Medicine (Wolfson) 3100
Epidemiology, Maths and Statistics Unit Support 3110
European Commercial Law 1313
Evidence Based Policy 1033
Experimental Cancer Medicine (ECMC) 2525
Experimental Medicine and Nephrology 2960
Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology 2970
Experimental Pathology 2940
External LLM Development 1301
Finance 5000
Fire 4495
Fixed Assets 6040
Foundation Degree 1084
French 1001
Gastroenterology 2340
General and Development Medicine Admin 2350
Genome Centre 3200
Geography 1200
German 1002
Gunaecological Cancer 2560
Haematology 2500
Haematology and Oncology Administration 2530
Health and Safety 4010
Health Care of the Elderly 2130
Hispanics 1003
History 1020
Human Resources 4150
Human Sciences 2120
IFC 4130
Income Tax 5240
Infectious Disease 2610
Information Services 4000
Information Technology 1315
Institute of Cancer 2575
Institute of Health Sciences Education Admin 2100
Intellectual Property Law 1314
Inter Collegiate Research 4020
Interest Income 5225
International and Economic Development Law 1316
International Office 4121
IRC 1730
Italian 1005
Language and Learning Unit 1083
Language Lab 4030
Language Learning 1085
Language Learning Centre 1045
Law 1300
Learning Development Unit 1081
Linguistics 1006
MACAO Research Laboratory 1713
Maintenance 4420
Marketing - Non Commercial 4445
Marketing - SMD 4352
Marketing Commercial 4353
Marketing Mile End 4351
Materials 1720
Mathematics 1800
Media Services 4004
Medical Electronics 1711
Medical Oncology 2540
Medical Professorial Unit (WC) 2370
Microcirculation Research 2925
Mile End AV and Timetabling 4311
Mile End Group 4119
Miscellaneous Balance Sheet Accounts 7010
Miscellaneous College Reserves 6060
Miscellaneous Salary Costs 5230
MISU 5100
Molecular Oncology and Imagin 2585
MOPI Administration 2630
Music 4128
Neurology 2730
Neuroscience 2740
Neurosurgery 2750
Nuclear Medicine 2550
Nursery 4125
Occupational Health 4140
Occupational Therapy 2150
Oral Growth and Development 2240
Oral Microbiology 2235
Orthodontics 2250
Orthopedics 2760
Other 4040
Other Academic Department 1980
Other Administration 5980
Other Commercial Activities 4500
Other Finance 5003
Outreach and Widening Participation 1080
Paediatric 2501
Paediatric Gastroenterology 2342
Paediatric Oncology 2390
Pathology 2600
Peoples Palace Project 1012
Physics 1520
Politics 1030
Portering 4455
Postroom 4470
PPRU 1034
Primary Care 2110
Professionals Complementary to Dentistry 2230
Projects 4425
Projects 4430
Projects 4435
Property and Planning 4410
Provisions 6080
Psychiatry 2140
Public Policy Research 1031
Public Policy Seminars 1032
Publications and Web 4124
QMI Ltd 5800
Rental Income 5220
Reprographics 4480
Research Grants Administration 5001
Research Grants Joint Office 5002
Residences - Mile End 4361
Residences - SMD 4362
Residences - South Woodford 4363
Residences Office 4364
Residential Support 4376
Retained Earnings 7020
Robin Brook Centre Bar 4326
Russian 1004
Salary Control Accounts 6032
School for Business and Management 1220
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences 1530
School of Biological Sciences 1500
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film 1000
Science and Engineering Foundation 1082
Science and Engineering Graduate School 1890
Science and Engineering Other 1701
SCS Building Improvements 4342
SCS Long Term Maintenance 4343
SCS Maintenance Office 4341
Secretary and Registrar 4190
Security 4450
SIS Project 4200
SMD Administration 2040
SMD AV 4312
SMD Day to Day 4345
SMD Long Term 4346
SMD Other 2060
Sports Medicine 2770
Sportsground 4460
Student Administration 4170
Student Experience 4161
Student Services 4115
Students' Union 5004
Surgery 2700
Surgery Administration 2780
Surgical Science 2515
Teaching Room Facilities 4491
Telephone Services 4090
The Student Office 2000
Translational Medicine and Therapeutics 2950
Tuition Fees 5200
Tumour Biology 2580
University of London Central Services 5050
University of London in Paris 1007
Urology 2790
VAT Accounts 7000
Westfiled Trust 5202
WHRI Administration 2980


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