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Guidance and Instructions

Before you begin your New Supplier Request, you will need to ensure that:

  • You have followed the process outlined in How to buy.
  • You have obtained the required quote(s) based on the threshold of spend with the supplier.
  • You have checked the Supplier is not already set up on Agresso. Please note, Suppliers that have been deactivated due to inactivity for over a period of 18 months shall not be reactivated. You will need to complete a New Supplier Request.

Summary of Spend thresholds and the associated procurement process and attachments required on Agresso.

Spend Threshold


Procurement Process

Attachments required on Agresso

Below £500 and One Off

If you have access to a P-Card, and the supplier accepts payment by this method, you are able to use your P-card to purchase.


Below £10,000

1 quote to be obtained (It is advisable to obtain 2 quotes for comparison and to ensure value for money).

Please refer to Guidance on Purchases below £10,000.

1.        Attach 1-2 quotes on Agresso. (Step 1)

2.        Attach Supplier information on Letter Headed Paper. (Step 2)

3.        If you are engaging an individual or an intermediary, you will need to attach the completed QM Flowchart and Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) assessment. (Step 3)

4.        For Individuals/ Sole traders you will need to attach A copy of the business insurance policy and evidence of Unique Tax Reference (UTR). (Step 4) 

Between £10,000 - £50,000

3 competitive quotes must be obtained on a like for like basis to demonstrate value for money.

1.        Attach 3 quotes on Agresso. (Step 1)

2.        Attach Supplier information on Letter Headed Paper. (Step 2)

3.        If you are engaging an individual or an intermediary, you will need to attach the completed QM Flowchart and Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) assessment. (Step 3) 

4.        For Individuals/ Sole traders you will need to attach A copy of the business insurance policy and evidence of Unique Tax Reference (UTR). (Step 4) 

5.        If you are not going with the Best Value quote, you will need to attach a document on how you have evaluated the quotes and how you have reached a decision. This will be reviewed by Procurement. (Step 5) 

6.        In instances where you are cannot obtain 3 quotes, you will need to attach a sole source/ Single supplier Justification. This will be reviewed by Procurement. (Step 5) 

Over £50,000

Contact the Procurement department (Meet the Team). Procurement will provide expert advice and a pragmatic approach to fulfil your requirement by securing best value in a compliant and commercially protected way.


Please refer to Guidance on

Tendering for Purchases over £50,000

1.        Attach Contract/ Governance approval/ Procurement Contract reference/ Quote or approved pricing, Other relevant information. Speak to the relevant Category Manager on what you need to attach if you are unsure. (Step 1) 

2.        Attach Supplier information on Letter Headed Paper. (Step 2)

3.        If you are engaging an individual or an intermediary, you will need to attach the completed QM Flowchart and Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) assessment. (Step 3)

4.        For Individuals/ Sole traders you will need to attach A copy of the business insurance policy and evidence of Unique Tax Reference (UTR). (Step 4) 


How to Submit a New Supplier Request

Step 1: You will need to ensure you have obtained the required like-for like quote(s) based on the threshold of spend with the supplier.

For Purchases above £50,000 – You will need to attach Contract/ Governance approval/ Procurement Contract reference and Quote or approved pricing, and other relevant information.

Speak to the relevant Category Manager on what you need to attach if you are unsure.


Step 2: Request supplier to provide the following Supplier Information on Letter headed paper:

  • Registered supplier name
  • Registered address
  • Telephone and mobile number
  • Email address (for remittances)
  • Web site address
  • Company registration number (If applicable)
  • VAT registration number (If applicable)
  • UTR number and evidence of UTR (if supplier is an individual)
  • Charity Registration number (If applicable)
  • Bank / payment details
  • Supplier Contact Name, Contact details and Position.

Please note that the Supplier Name and Supplier information you register on Agresso, must match the details provided on the Letter headed paper and the information the supplier provides. Any discrepancies will mean that there will be delays in getting your supplier set up whilst information is verified and set up correctly.

Step 3: If you know that you are engaging an individual or an intermediary, please also complete QM Flowchart and Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) assessment.

If you are engaging an individual or intermediary, you are responsible for determining the correct payment route, which in turn dictates the Tax and National Insurance payments made. Refer to guidance on payment of external workers.

Please read the guidance in full - if you still have specific questions then contact Eva Kurekova at

If you are unsure whether the supplier is an intermediary or not, you can contact the Finance Tax manager for advice, alternatively procurement will check this when you submit your New Supplier Request on Agresso.

Step 4: For Individuals/ Sole traders you will need to ask the supplier to provide a copy of their business insurance policy and evidence of Unique Tax Reference (UTR).

Step 5: For Purchases between £10,000 - £50,000:

  • If you are not going with the Best Value quote, you will need to provide a document on how you have evaluated the quotes and how you have reached a decision. This will be reviewed by Procurement.
  • In instances where you are cannot obtain 3 quotes, you will need to provide a sole source/ Single supplier Justification. This will be reviewed by Procurement.

Step 6: Submit a New Supplier Request via Agresso.

The link below provides a detailed step by step guide on how to submit a New Supplier Request on the Agresso System. Please ensure you attach the relevant attachments as stated above:

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