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Claims Procedure

All claims need to be notified within 30 days from the date of Incident to the Insurance Manager. 

The most common claims made are the following:

  • Property
  • Motor
  • Travel
  • Liability

Should you wish to make a claim under the above polices, please notify the Insurance Manager via email giving a brief summary of the details. The relevant claim forms will be forwarded.

Please ensure that documents are available to support your claims as the insurers will require these.  The following additional information will be required:

  • Appropriate documentation to support the claim
  • Original purchase receipts/booking invoice/travel tickets/boarding pass, estimates for repair, doctors or medical bills
  • Crime reference number of any police or other authority informed of the loss or damage
  • Any report from police, airline, hotel or other authority to whom the claim was reported
  • Any receipts for any original or replacement items

Payment of claims will be made by bacs. Therefore please ensure that the correct details are completed on the claim form.

Insurers will also want to know if VAT can be reclaimed.  This is mainly associated with property claims. 

In respect of theft and malicious damage claims, these must always be reported to the police and a crime number obtained.  The University Security department need to be notified too. For any claims above £5,000 a loss adjustor will be appointed by our insurers who will come on site for investigations.  

For all liability claims, all third parties need to have legal representatives who will contact the Insurance Manager giving details of the incident.


Queen Mary University of London notification of claims from Solicitors or Claimant Representatives will be by means of an electronic Claims Notification Form (CNF) submitted direct to our Insurers through the portal.

To submit Public and Employer's liability claims, please use the portal with the following information:

Queen Mary University of London

  • Public Liability & Employers Liability Insurance provider: - HDI Global SE
  • Employers Liability policy number:  110-76537729-30025
  • Public Liability policy number: 110-76537729-30010

All matters relating to casualty claims made or to be made via the MOJ Claims Portal should be sent to our representatives Gallagher Bassett International Ltd (Portal ID D00019)

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